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  1. L

    Give me some info on your style- simple list

    10 years experience Dirt Bushy General Hydroponics (Great in dirt) PPM 700-1600 Lighting T-450 and 1000w MH in Veg 30 days each. Flower 6-1000 W Multi Spectrum. PH-6.2 Days in Veg..60 total. 30 under florescent, 30 under 1000 W. Normal Temps 70-78. 70 in the dark, 78 when its bright ;} Yield...
  2. L

    4x4 1000 watt hps ...Possible? +rep given

    AC Unit an option?
  3. L

    3x3x6 tent, How should I do it this time?

    Consider LST? Super cropping? Ways to keep your canopy even and lower. Will increase yield. Doesnt matter how many plants you do theoreticly. Based on the amount of light each plant gets. You could do 20 plants under a 1000 W or 5 and your yield will be the same. decrease the work and...
  4. L

    4x4 1000 watt hps ...Possible? +rep given

    Nice little set up.
  5. L

    4x4 1000 watt hps ...Possible? +rep given

    Is your hood vented? If so hook a fan through and exhaust it out. You will be amazed how much heat it will pull from that bulb. Portable AC unit?
  6. L

    How To Cure

    Yes I alweays dry with a dehumidifier. I hold at 50% humidity with a large water damamge fan blowing the room. This normally takes me four days and is to the poinht where you almost question if you dried it too much. However once you begin curing it draws the last bit of moisture from the...
  7. L

    How do I cure my Marijuana

    The best way I have found to cure in a large batch is to put it all in an air tight rubbermaid container. NOT a storage container as it is not air tight. An airtight container. The difference of a $8.99 container and a $69.99 container. Must be air tight. Then open air tight lid for about 5...
  8. L

    Yield Increase Thread

    50 under 1000 W...and 18 ounces? Which is about what you should get. Your goal should be 2 lbs per light which is what you are approaching. All time highest yield ever recorded was only 2.5 lbs per light. So with that being said, why dont you lower your work load to say 6 plants and get the...
  9. L

    When to transplant for 8w veg/8w flower?

    I go from plug to 1 gallon pot to 10 gallon tote. I am a huge proponent of expansive root systems and amazing yields. The plant will fill its's container and the faster that happens and the broader the root ball is the larger healthier plant you can produce. For example when you transplant...
  10. L

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    You can just bend the plant without tying it. Same concept. Plant will grow out and open the center for more growth.
  11. L

    How much bigger will my plants get in flower, and bending plants over ???s

    You can try super cropping technique and just keep bending them down and out opening up the middle.
  12. L

    Yellow Fan Leaves Curling and Dying. Brown spots PLEASE HELP!

    One thing to look at is where is the yelowing and brown at on the plant? Is it from the bottom or the top? If it is from the bottom then often you can increase the nutrients as the plant is doing all it can to get the nutrients to the top of the plant. If it's at the top of the plant you may...