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  1. P

    Glowpanel 45

    Probably not a good thing to be jumping on your panel...but i hear they are making them tougher these dayz.... :P
  2. P

    Could you flower with this LED?

    Not a problem. It seemz i am approaching the LED growz a little differently from many other growerz. Looking promising so far.... but there is still tinkering to be done. :D
  3. P

    Could you flower with this LED?

    Change from a 6000-6500k spectrum to a 2700-3000k i guess....mweh... im just tinkering with growing. Just seeing what will happen. :)
  4. P

    Could you flower with this LED?

    Im currently using a floodlight for veg. Workz well. Flowering may be different. Dont knock it until you have tried it yo'sive. :D
  5. P

    Back at it again! New homemade LED light - 235w version!

    Hahahha...Well i have my eye as a its kind of expected.! :D Anyways i've been 'watching' alot of the LED progress around these parts. And im pretty stoked and breathing a 'psy' of relief about the DIY evolution that is happening. I reckon that alot of these LED manufacturers are...
  6. P

    Back at it again! New homemade LED light - 235w version!

    Nice Setup Slixxor. Very impressive. Also Like the RIU page on monitor. Very nice touch. :D