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  1. W

    Is it normal to feel like this?

    No didn't, my plant was experiencing problems and I stopped Fertilizing like 2 weeks before harvest, why what does this mean anyway?
  2. W

    Is it normal to feel like this?

    Had a smoke on Wednesday and got insanely high, to the point where I didn't know where the fuck I was or who I was with and it felt like I was in a dream. It's Sunday and I can remember things, stuff and places like before but sometimes I feel as if I'm still dreaming and I have short term...
  3. W

    Can Anyone Link me to some Scales that I need for Measuring Green?

    I need someone to link me to a typical scale I can buy online for measuring green bros, thanks help will be greatly appreciated ;)
  4. W

    Where can I get manganese from?

    Well a week ago I flushed with 2 litres of water, and about 2 hours ago I mixed dolomite lime with water and feed it to my plant via the bottom and the top. So the PH should still be neutral now, well Im hoping so anyway other wise 2 months of hard work is over with.
  5. W

    Where can I get manganese from?

    So in order to stop nutrient lockout I would need to purchse epsom salt?
  6. W

    Where can I get manganese from?

    Hey massah here is a gallery of the problem plant and it's leaves.! Click on that...
  7. W

    Where can I get manganese from?

    My plant is suffering from a manganese deficiency, where can I obtain manganese from?
  8. W

    What's wrong with my leaves?

    About a week ago I started noticing burn marks on my leaves, on the tips and on the edges, straight away I thought it was Nute burn so I drained my pot with 2 Litres of water. Now a week later I am not really noticing any more outright burns but instead I'm starting to see brown speckles on my...
  9. W

    Do you leave your ruck fan on 24/7?

    How's the electric bill dude?, I always seem to think that a ruck running 24/7 will send my electric bill through the roof.
  10. W

    Do you leave your ruck fan on 24/7?

    Wow, that's a really great idea man I never actually thought about doing that, I may do that as my humidity during the night hours (when the ruck isn't running) is not very good.
  11. W

    Do you leave your ruck fan on 24/7?

    Just wondering.
  12. W

    Would a 250wat bulb and ballast work in a 600 watt refelctor?

    I have had a major disaster and I need a new reflector quickly, the cheapeast ones I could find where 600 watt reflectors, will this reflector work?
  13. W

    2 questions

    Hey alright, 1. Is it normal for the first 2 leaves of the plant to start yellowing near the end of vegetative stage?, the first ever leaves (seedling round leaves) have yellowed and gone crispy brown and now the second set of leaves which came out after these 2 are now yellowing, is this...
  14. W

    If an HPS/MH bulb was cracked would it pop straight away?

    I can't see any cracks on my light, but if there was would it of exploded anyway?
  15. W

    Baking Soda with water, PH up

    I am looking to increase the PH of my soil, the soil I got is from Biobizz and it's their Light mix soil, however on their bag it says the PH is 6.4, that's not good enough for me because in about a month of or so of feeding that's going to drop into the acid range. So I was looking around for...
  16. W

    Biobizz feeding regime

    Anybody using biobizz and has a working trustful regime for growing a normal plant (not cuttings) that you could link me too or post on here? I need to know how much to give my plant each week or every couple of days etc etc
  17. W

    germination question

    Thank you so much!, I was kind of confused because I read a guide online written by someone who said that they "put them in a glass filled with mineral water for 24 hours in a warm place that's dark" and then he later "put them under a cfl light for 18 hours", he kind of done it in two stages...
  18. W

    germination question

    Hello, was just wondering if I could germinate seeds in a typical germination dome (plastic casing over seedlings in a pot) under my grow lamp?, it's a dual spectrum 250watt lamp.
  19. W

    Nutrient/soil question

    Thank you!, I shall try that!
  20. W

    Nutrient/soil question

    Too late now mate!, should replied 5 hours ago, remember.