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  1. C

    did it herm on me?

    well i dont want it polinating my other plants so in the trash it goes i guess.
  2. C

    did it herm on me?

    this is my last harvest...trainwreck those two pics are fine just for fun lol
  3. C

    did it herm on me?

    uploading to photobucet now
  4. C

    did it herm on me?

    an none of the other plants of the sane strain have this nor are as purple..
  5. C

    did it herm on me?

    one of my purples has what looks like seads all threw my buds but theirs hairs coming out from the end of the sead lookin sacks an theirs no balls hanging from the joints what gives i just took it out of my grow room incase it pollinates..ant help
  6. C

    anyone ever grown skunkbearry

    yeah thats what im getting im just trying to get the most bud from the lleast amount of plants. im trying purple haze an sourdeisle next..think ill have more bud with those strains
  7. C

    anyone ever grown skunkbearry

    I haven't goten much for.colas just wondering if anyone has experience with this strain
  8. C

    trimmers! anyone ever make their owne. post some pics and how to's if you would like.

    so if anyone has made their owne trimming machines post some pics would love to see it
  9. C

    can anyone post some pics of a proper manicured bud..

    thanks for the awsome help great pics an i just need to get my buds that big goooodamn
  10. C

    can anyone post some pics of a proper manicured bud..

    oo ic.this trimming crap sucks. it more work then my work lol
  11. C

    can anyone post some pics of a proper manicured bud..

    what r u talking abour when you say you lay ur cutters down flat? sorry im a newb for sure
  12. C

    can anyone post some pics of a proper manicured bud..

    i already read your tutorial it dosent really go into detail about manicuring
  13. C

    can anyone post some pics of a proper manicured bud..

    i feel im over manicuring an my women feels im not manicuring enought. so if anyone could post some pics of what it should an should not look like it would be much apreciated..thanks