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  1. F

    I need to make a sticky in the legal forums, everybody in america can freely smoke and grow...

    I need to make a sticky in the legal forums, everybody in america can freely smoke and grow anywhere. Its true. No body is obligated to any statutes or anything the government says its a hoax and i have proof. This country is corrupt and people need to know the truth. Knowledge is power and the...
  2. F

    Attention Must Read Subject- Marijuana Is Legal Everywhere Knowledge You Need To Know

    Dear Reader, This is the truth about America. Founded under the Bible. Thou Shall Not Kill, steel from neighbor but does it say anything about smoking weed? No. This is how i can best summarize it. The government Is corrupt. "Congress Cannot Legislate Out Side Of the Ten Square...
  3. F

    Noob gardener.

    Dear reader, I have done much research in outdoor growing. My female is 4 1/2 ft tall. It is very bushy I trimmed some bigger leaves for lighting purpose. As of now I am scratching my head to why my plant is producing so much seed, with little bud. I have used a liquid miracle grow...