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  1. F

    Mutant plants and yellow slime/mucus in hydroponics

    Ok Update. This was an algae, and I had to go and get some anti algae and root protector from my local hydro store. They saw the pic and know what it was right away. I had to rebuild my chamber (guess I had a light leak somewhere), I got band new netty pots, new air stones, everything. I...
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    Mutant plants and yellow slime/mucus in hydroponics

    OMG Molasses, I didn't think of that. I will try that. Thank You Superstoner
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    Mutant plants and yellow slime/mucus in hydroponics

    Is there some sort of antibacterial product I can put in the water or should I just go to soil while I can get them out of the netty pot? Also it's about six inches from the tip of the tallest plant I have, I'm only guessing. There's no burns so its all good.
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    Mutant plants and yellow slime/mucus in hydroponics

    Ya I did several times, but it grew back in force within like 18 hours. It's also not really slimy but like jello. I've tried looking all over Rollitup and there's nothing like this. I'm stumped. I going to be cleaning out the chamber tonight, same as I did before, and placing frozen soda...
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    Mutant plants and yellow slime/mucus in hydroponics

    I have six clones from a big bud mother plant. They all rooted fine in the hydroponics cloner but when I transferred them over to the big hydroponics chamber, I started having problems. I started getting this yellow, thick mucus attached to the bottom of the netty pots and the new growth is...
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    Leaves curling up and drying out? Help

    Ok here's my basic info. *Growing in 5 Gal pots in 1/2 MG soil 1/4 peet moss, & 1/4 perlite *My pH is 6.0, soil meter *My lights are 16-26 watt CFL and 4-40 watt T-12 CFL *I'm on a 18/6 light scehdule, with 6 hours of natural light and 12 hours of CFL * The plants are from clones, I've...
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    Hello all, I'm new here and on my first grow. I have a medical marijuana licence, so no old schooling it. Right now I'm growing three plants under 16 daylight 23watt CLFs and 2 daylight 40watt T12 Bulbs mounted on the wall for more side light. I'm kind of a student of my caretaker. She's an old...
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    A Caregiver needs Weight Fast

    In Colorado?? 50 plants?? I was told by my doctor and my caregiver it was six per patient (3 in veg, 3 in flower) with two ounces of product on you, regardless of how you use it. If I'm wrong, give me a link, I have more room in my closet for more babies.
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    CO Caregivers: Do Chores or Get Arrested

    My caregiver doesn't do any of that, she grows half of my plants for me (for a price), I grow the other half. She also gives me clones for free. I would never expect her to take me shopping the woman has M.S! I've taken her to the store and to appointments for a small green fee. People don't...
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    Areas to Avoid if your Moving

    Hi first post here, hi everyone. Just to let you know, The Grand Junction area is pretty much dispensary free. The righteous decided that if the pot shops went away the pot would too (silly people, now you made it easier for the criminals, no more regulations), so in the last voting ballet, the...