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  1. K

    watering with organic tea

    i have been using an organic tea that i make with wrom casting, mexican bat guano, bone meal, and superthrive i also have an air pump and stone to oxigenate the tea. i was just wondering if i can use the tea every time i water? can anyone suggest a good organic fert for my tea for flowering...
  2. K

    is it too late to plant?

    i ended up digging some plants up that i had in the ground at another location they were about three feet high and about two feet in diameter they wilted for about three days after transpant and after that they sprung back up i transplanted a lil less than a month ago they have only grew about...
  3. K

    to late to plant???

    i already had plants that were planted in another location and i ended up diging them up and transplanting at my house all were succesfull ater about three days it was like nothing happend at all they are about three feet high and about 18-24 inches in diameter they are doing good now.
  4. K

    The Molasses Debate Thread.

    so is it only benificial to use molasses during flowering or is it good for vegitation too ?
  5. K

    making Tea

    right now i brew 25 gallons at a time with a aquarium air pump and i use about one cup of worm castings a cup of bat guano a cup of bone meal and one capful of superthrive and my plants seem to enjoy it anyone have any opinions on what i am doing is it to much? good for veg? i am a first year...
  6. K

    wilting after transplant please help

    yes i do i have been using worm castings and bat guano and for the transplant i have been using some lilly miller transplanting solution that has vitamin b1 in it. the reason why my big plant is wilting the worst i think is cuz i only ended up with about half of the root wad the other half broke...
  7. K

    wilting after transplant please help

    i had to move my plant to another location and i dug them out of the ground and re planted them in my back yard now that i am legal and two of my plants are wilting really bad when the sun is beating on them but when the sun goes down the are erect again is that a good sign what can i give them...
  8. K

    is it too late to plant?

    is it true i can have more than six if they are under a certain height as far as i know usually plants around here start to bud in september but every year is different
  9. K

    to late to plant???

    just got my card and was wondering if it is possible to plant in the ground i can get some clones that are roughly 20 inches tall and the spot i want to do this in gets direct sunlight all day and was curious if its worth my time. last year my nieghbor started around this time and had...
  10. K

    is it too late to plant?

    damn my nieghbor has plants and they havent started to bud and last year they didnt start till about the beginning of september but last year he started in july as well and he harvested like 3 pounds off six plants in the spot i have in mind gets direct sunlight from sun up till sun down if that...
  11. K

    is it too late to plant?

    i just got my card the other day and i can get clones about twenty inches tall to plant just wondering if it is worth it to plant them being the end of july with only a little over a month to veg i guess something would be better than nothing at al
  12. K

    transplanting from indoors with 24 hour light cycle to outdoors need help

    will transplanting from indoors with a 24/7 light cycle to outdoors have negitive effects on my veg stage or force it into flower i am using flouresent lights
  13. K

    lighting from indoors to outdoors good or bad

    i have four girls under a 24 hour cycle with flouresent lighting will this have a bad effect when i transplant outdoors