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  1. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Not sure if its done yet or not?
  2. M

    Nute burn or shock? Help please

    Its all throughout the bottom, middle and top leaves.. Ive checked for insects on the back of the leaves and haven't found any?
  3. M

    Nute burn or shock? Help please

    This started awhile ago and I thought it was shock from the indoor to outdoor transition but its getting worse.. Ive added nutes a couple times now to the plants & it never went away.
  4. M

    Whats going on with this plant? Advice please!

    Alright that makes total sense.. I wont worry too much then. Thanks guys! :)
  5. M

    Whats going on with this plant? Advice please!

    I just recently bought these plants from a dispensary and put them outside in new soil and haven't added any nutrients as of yet... just water :( sorry I don't have a lot of info...
  6. M

    Whats going on with this plant? Advice please!

    I moved this plant from indoors to outdoors a couple days ago and everything looked fine up until now. Some of the leaves started looking like this all throughout the plant. I water it once a day and its in a 15gal smart-pot and have not added any nutrients so far. Can somebody please tell me...