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  1. M

    Can You Grow In The Woods?

    ok, like for 3 of my girls if i cleared like a 40x40 area around them would that work?
  2. M

    Can You Grow In The Woods?

    I mean i know you can but like would the trees block too much light or maybe cause it to flower to early?:eyesmoke:
  3. M

    Fat Bud Or Is It Normal?

    without a doubt bro.:eyesmoke:;-)
  4. M

    Help my 2 girls are dying i think need help please

    Oh my god!! I side with your friends on the nute burn. dont add any more nutrients. How often do you water and are you heat/light burning the leaves?
  5. M

    2' plants first leaves

    it depends, if your using incandescent then like 6 inch to prevent burning, if using florescent then like 3 or 4 inches. Hope it helps.
  6. M

    Is this size normal?

    thanks for advice on topping btw
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    Is this size normal?

    it was cause i was smoking bud soaked in hash oil then dried but it was horrible. i would lose count, get pissed, and then forget i was mad and try again. It was a vicious cycle man...
  8. M

    Is this size normal?

    This is for anybody and has nothing to do with my origional post but has anyone on here ever been so stoned that they sat and tried to count ll the hairs on the top of their hand?
  9. M

    Is this size normal?

    Sorry for noob question but i top right under the node right?
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    Is this size normal?

    yeah..ill probably put black landscapers plastic on one side of it so it stops getting direct light at about 7 pm.
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    Is this size normal? is but instead of chalk its this stuff supposed to repel spider mites, worked wonders so far tho. And no, its in a valley so as long as it doesnt grow over lets say 3 1/2 feet tall im fine.
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    Is this size normal?

    Thanks. And ive found that a longer piece of pvc buried almost all the way works well because ti alows for alot of downward root growth and gives good support and drainage. (not to mention cheap as hell.)
  13. M

    Is this size normal?

    lmao..its alright. While your here when would you recomend switching to 12/12 as i cant have to much vertical growth due to it becoming visible? like 5-6 weeks?
  14. M

    Is this size normal?

    Nah its not a bowl, its a 5" diameter piece of PVC, lmao. I ran out of pots. some soup does sound good tho...i got the munchies from hell.
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    Is this size normal?
  16. M

    Is this size normal?

    Hey, im some what new to growing and this is only my 3rd plant. I was wondering if this leaf to stem size is normal? This was germinated 2 weeks ago but only planted and been veging for 1 week. the ph is normal (6.3), its in pro-potters organic potting soil, and where it is it gets about 15...