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  1. codemonkey182

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    I applied in December via snail mail so thank you for sharing that link. Cant wait for my temp card.
  2. codemonkey182

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time
  3. codemonkey182

    La Diva info?

    La Diva is an awesome strain. Got one growing now and its 20 inches.
  4. codemonkey182

    Sannies Seed Bank Review

    I placed an order Wednesday the 18th and took a total of 5 days to get to the Midwest. Sannies stealth is very very good. Customs opened my envelope and looked through it and still couldn't find the seeds. I received it in the mail today and the envelope was open so I am surprised nothing fell...
  5. codemonkey182

    Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

    We also gave al-Qaeda aid during the Balkan War. So the USA does have a history of supporting terrorist groups during wars. This was during 1991 and we aided Osama Bin Laden and Islamic terrorist groups.
  6. codemonkey182

    A new Front Runner has emerged in South Carolina

    Ron Paul for president and Colbert for vice president
  7. codemonkey182

    Paranoid about overall security of my op

    One of your friends could be in a situation where they get busted for some odd reason and the are facing some jail time or something on their record. To avoid any of those options they could turn you in. The only thing you should worry about is telling people. That is the only thing that can get...
  8. codemonkey182

    CANADA knocking on CHINA'S door, THANKS DEMOCRATS!!!

    Agree man I think that was a very good decision by Obama.
  9. codemonkey182

    Smart Meters

    Exactly we the worst part is that the generation after us will be used to be under surveillance 24/7 and think thats normal if we do not do anything about this shit.
  10. codemonkey182

    Smart Meters

    This was quite interesting to watch. If you grow you might be in trouble.
  11. codemonkey182

    Afghan kush ryder

    Mine is at week 7 and mine flowered alright. They take prolly about 10 weeks or around 75 days I would say from seed. It smells really good tho, but the best smelling auto I have right now is Joint Doctors Diesel Ryder. Its pretty frosty.
  12. codemonkey182

    Freebies from Sannies seed shop.

    Yea I just ordered from them there is a page that has the freebies on them.
  13. codemonkey182

    Mad Kush

    Yea I just ordered mad kush and killing fields. I cant wait to grow them
  14. codemonkey182

    Orange Spots

    Yea they started out pretty tiny and then pretty much spread all over the leaf starting at the viens. The stems are pretty lanky but not that weak, the stems are all dark purple on the leaves that have the spots so I think that might have something to do with it. Also I checked for bugs and nothing.
  15. codemonkey182

    Orange Spots

    It was planted into ocean forest about 5 weeks ago and its about i would say 3 weeks from being done.
  16. codemonkey182

    Orange Spots

    Here are some better pictures.
  17. codemonkey182

    Orange Spots

    Hey guys one of my autoflowers is starting to get these orange colored dots all over its leaves. Its randomly spread out through the leaves and did not start spreading from the bottom leaves to the top. So far the plant is 7 weeks old. Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil Ph: 6.5 Nute line...
  18. codemonkey182

    Mad Kush

    Dont be scared to order seeds man. I have ordered seeds plenty of times and its all good. The worst they can do is send you a letter. Use a fake name when you order the seeds and go to the dollar general and pick up nfinase card. Its a prepaid that you can use on international purchases and you...
  19. codemonkey182

    Mad Kush

    Has anyone tried this strain from the sannies web site. Its a cross between The Bubba Kush (katsu cut) and (White Widow x Herijuana), it sounds like an interesting strain.I was debating picking this strain or Hericules. The seeds are by collection breeders. Thanks guys.
  20. codemonkey182

    Confidential Cheese By Reserva Privada

    Thanks for the replies guys. Yea I think I am going to pick it up. La Confidential and Cheese are both strains that I want to try, so this seems like a good cross.