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  1. J

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    A simple solution to your probleb is to mask the sound issue with another sound that is not un pleaseant to your neirbours, IE if you have a garden build a pond with a water fall \ fountain as near to your outlet as poss. Can be as shit as you like nieghbours might think you got crap taste in...
  2. J

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Also i see the cable tie is that to LST the plant:?:
  3. J

    Coco Growers Unite!

    That is one awesome plant, is that just one plant in the room and under what light watt. Congrats mate that is one of the best looking plants iv seen
  4. J

    Fan leaves remove or let them be

    Thanks for all your advice
  5. J

    Fan leaves remove or let them be

    If a leaf is sheltering light from a bud on a plant does the leaf need to be removed to help the bud or is it better to leave the leaves for the overall benefit of the plant:?:
  6. J

    Growing herms

    Thanks for your help guys i believe it must have been in the genetics 8 feminised armagedon 3 male and 5 hermies 190 notes down, thanks to pukka seeds
  7. J

    canna A+B in coco flowing nutriient yes or no

    I have had great results using canna a+b right the way through from veg to flower,never using any additional additives during flower. Like all out there i am looking to gain any info i can to improve my grow. Any advice would be much apppreicated. ;-);-);-)
  8. J

    Growing herms

    Can any one give me any knowledge on when plants decide to go to herms,I know some times is it in their genectics but when does a female seed change its gender to a herm. Is it when it germinates, in veg or wrong temps or food during flower:roll: