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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I got my beans today! Is it Christmas!!!??!! YEA!!!!!!
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    The Safe Removal Of Lower Fan Leaves, Why And How?

    What up iNfid3l!!! I'm a nubian/nubie and i had the same problem. i've noticed by the post this happens around the 3-4 week. Nitrogen being moved to new growth. I removed my fan leaves and nothing happened. Some say don't do this due to the fans move the nutes/sun "back" to the new growth...
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    Check this out-Purple Wreck, WW and LA Conf, PICS

    Blowing LA Confidential and looking @ LA Confidential....INSPIRING GRO KAKA(BRO IN SWAHILI)! FRM ARKNSA
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    green crack 5weeks flowering

    Where you get DEM beans from?!? What kinda nutes they/you like?
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    green crack 5weeks flowering

    That shit look hella tasty MsBlaze1! What the sminoke like?!
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    outside wilting

    One subscriber says he puts his plants in the sun for only an hour to let the plant get back use to the strong kelvins. I'm a nubi/nubian/new to. I did the same thing and mine turned to "jelly" like aloe vera! I too had this same plant outside in the Arkansas sun for hours so i thought i was...
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    my plant just changed over nite

    I watered mine(not the leaves)and put it our directly in the Arkansas sun(99 on dash of car) and the leaves started to "turn to jelly" like Aloevera. I took them in and put under 2 computer fans and a 20" box fan and they "recovered" but now have a "weird form/droop/texture".