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  1. volcomstar420

    How does she look? 83 days old

    Pretty sure it's female.
  2. volcomstar420

    How does she look? 83 days old

    The LST sounds a little experienced for my first grow. I'm going to transplant her asap. I had a feeling that might be the problem. I've been lurking this forum for years, just started taking advantage of it recently. Thank you for the quick reply! I just want this one to come out healthy and...
  3. volcomstar420

    How does she look? 83 days old

    I know for sure already that its a female. And I live in sunny hott so cal the weather has been around 100 degrees so sometimes she droops when she gets too hot so I put her in shade sometimes then she perks up. I had a bag with 3 random OG seeds and I picked one out. Its either Venom...
  4. volcomstar420

    How does she look? 83 days old

    Had a random seed, germinated it. Grew really big, really fast at first. She turned out to be female luckily. It's an OG. She is currently in a 5 gallon bucket of FF Happy Frog soil. I'm brand spankin new at this, so i'm only growing one. I alternate the nutrients (GH MaxiGro) with my filtered...
  5. volcomstar420

    49 days old. What are those spots?! Plz help? Newb.

    Ive already treated it once with serenade garden disease control (all natural, non toxic) which treats thrips
  6. volcomstar420

    49 days old. What are those spots?! Plz help? Newb.

    Blah, no. Started off as an experiment, didn't think it would work out so well. I can't afford the pH pen at the moment. I have a feeling its more of pH problem
  7. volcomstar420

    49 days old. What are those spots?! Plz help? Newb.

    I don't see anything underneath the leaves. Then again I would need a 5x to see clearly. Should I invest in some FoxFarm "Don't Bug Me" pyrethrin spray?
  8. volcomstar420

    49 days old. What are those spots?! Plz help? Newb.

    Started this random seed, turned out to be female! She's in FF Happy Frog soil in a 5 gall bucket. I started feeding her nutrients (1/4 strength) 2 weeks ago, twice a week. With regular purified water treatments in between. I think she is growing big and healthy and I wanna top and clone her...
  9. volcomstar420

    white powdery mildew problem

    Serenade Garden Disease Control
  10. volcomstar420

    Adv Nutes and Soil OUTDOOR

    just make sure you mix your nutes and your filtered water fresh every time. What kind of soil are you using? Soil may have nutes in it already and you dont want to overfeed your plants quite yet..
  11. volcomstar420

    Need help SEXING! Male or Female?

    Hey! New to growing, starting this baby off from seed. Don't even know if its Male of Female. I'm growing outside in a 5 gal pot in FF Happy Frog Soil. Just started giving it nutes very lightly..But I noticed dark spots on one or two of the leaves. And on one leaf, it looks slightly burned.Also...
  12. volcomstar420

    Male or Female??

    hello, thanks for reading. im trying to figure out if its male or female. new grower. also, was wondering what those tiny dark dots are on some of the leaves?? Thank you.
  13. volcomstar420

    Powder mildew on Mothers!!!!!!

    serenade garden disease control works wonderfully.
  14. volcomstar420

    Dark Spots, worried!

    Hey! New to growing, starting this baby off from seed. Don't even know if its Male of Female. I'm growing outside in a 5 gal pot in FF Happy Frog Soil. Just started giving it nutes slowly... But I noticed dark spots on one or two of the leaves. And on one leaf, it looks slightly burned. I...
  15. volcomstar420

    M of F? Looks healthy! A little confused..

    Okay cool, so I should wait another 3 weeks (At least?) And slowly give it nutes..k. got it :)
  16. volcomstar420

    M of F? Looks healthy! A little confused..

    Been takin care of this baby outside..had a random seed that I germinated, wanted to try as an experiment :) I think he/she/it looks great, I'm impressed by how fast it's growing! But im new at this and was hoping you guys could tell me if it looks more like a male or female or hermi? Put it in...
  17. volcomstar420

    male or female? what do you think? Please help!

    I just started feeding nutrients to it. It's in FF Happy Frog soil. Feeding it GH MaxiGro once a week.
  18. volcomstar420

    male or female? what do you think? Please help!

    HAHA why does everyone assume I'm a guy? I'm a female, with tits, and smoke a lot of weed. Doesn't matter anyways. I will let it be for a few weeks then I will post more pics. Thank you soo much everyone!!
  19. volcomstar420

    male or female? what do you think? Please help!

    <<<Thanks "bro", but I'm a girl. And I appreciate the input. Thanks!
  20. volcomstar420

    male or female? what do you think? Please help!

    Im inpatient and new at this. I know it's hard to tell if it's male or female so early but I'm hoping any pro's out there might know what to look for in a female plant in early stages. Refer to the two pics below, thank you in advance!