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  1. sleeper05

    Pipe Growin'

    some pics i took a week ago or... around there... they are at 46 days of 12/12 lighting as of today, Jan 7 09'. I am wishing i was smoking em already.
  2. sleeper05

    Pipe Growin'

    Some recent pics taken yesterday. Dec 18 2009
  3. sleeper05

    Pipe Growin'

    That was actually one of the first things that came to mind before i had my water problem. I was turning the pump on every 3 hours for 15 mins and thats when it over flowed on me. I believe it was because when the pump was shut off the roots that would normally be submerged were aloud to grow...
  4. sleeper05

    Pipe Growin'

    Hey everyone, I was looking around this site awhile back on what kind of set up I wanted to try next to be my next bad ass home built system. What I found was a grow done by Heath Robinson and I give full props to this guy cause wow. just wow. I would say to anyone to check out his grow and read...
  5. sleeper05

    Need help with venting design for new grow room

    I would believe that if you had your fan exhausting below your heater it would only assist in pushing it up.... heat is going to rise... that's all your hot water tanks are basing their exhaust on is that the heat will rise... if you have a fan pushing air up as well it shouldn't cause a...
  6. sleeper05

    home made grow room

    I've used the expanding foam insulation before. Did all my seams with it... even around doors. I had to close my door with me on the inside and sprayed around the seams. When it hardened I opened the door and it was a tight fit! Side note... try doing one door at a time so you don't lock...
  7. sleeper05

    Please help my ladies...Temp & Ventilation issues with garage grow....

    run cool tubes wherever possible... buy yourself an a/c...
  8. sleeper05

    Hanging large carbon filters

    I would say just make sure you are in the middle of the joists... try and span the weight across different joists instead of running in line with two or so if you are worried about the weight. Your floor should be fine. Strapping will work with a few lag bolts or even wood screws should work...
  9. sleeper05

    $600+ Electric Bill

    Ah yes.... i'm glad I live in Canada where there are no random power outages and we only have to pay 0.06 cents /KWH.... works out to like just over 20 bucks when i'm runnin 12/12... I love it! Have you ever thought of asking one of the guys checkin your meter wtf is up? Like the one person...
  10. sleeper05

    Free Tricks To Increase Yields.

    OK OK, panhead you say that you've got 30 some years experience in the trades. And yes this does sound like a great idea, but there are dangers to flue gas that is vented and that's exactly why it's vented. You would really need to be running alot of hot water and making the HWT work all the...
  11. sleeper05

    Soil drying out?

    kushcanuck is right. Alot of what we do just comes from experience, personal preference, shit like that. Being an indoor grower in pots I water mine every 3 to 4 days. To measure if they need water or not I look for drooping leaves as a major "needs water" and I always try and water them before...
  12. sleeper05

    Tips and Tricks

    Not the easiest tip but here's a link to something good. Should be beneficial to the people growing organically...
  13. sleeper05

    Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest

    here are a few bud shots of some blueberry i'm now smokin'
  14. sleeper05

    sleeper's grow journal

    just a few to get you going.
  15. sleeper05

    Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest

    Looks like someone elses pics i've seen all over the net... hahahah put RUI in with your plants and then maybe you're talking!
  16. sleeper05

    sleeper's grow journal

    Feb. 19, 2009 - hey all, little update on this thread. So, I was waiting for my flower room to finish so that I could push a shit load of plants in there, well i cancelled that idea. Instead, I moved the three NYCD??? plants into the flower room since they had been vegging for some time and had...
  17. sleeper05

    Any guesses on this yield pics ???+++++

    ya what happened? what did you end up getting in the end? I was going to guess more like 9 to 10 ounces at least. If that was seven plants. Those nugs didn't look small in the least. Nice crop though. Are you ever going to tell us the final weight though?
  18. sleeper05

    Questions for the Educated and Experienced

    I just looked at your suggestions that you had links to.... The second DWC that you posted.... The rubbermaid is probably $5 and the net pots are like $0.25 cents each... so really you're paying for him/her to put it together for you. Honestly, take the time to set something up yourself, unless...
  19. sleeper05

    Questions for the Educated and Experienced

    i saw.... "maybe a pH meter"???? maybe???? This should be one of the first things you get... If the pH is not withing what it should be your plants can't take up any nutrients. Yes hydro is very interesting and can give bigger yields but like you said, "first time grower". Just saying that maybe...
  20. sleeper05

    my calyx is cracking: what does that mean?

    I believe you should wait till the plant does start to turn some of the trichs to amber. If not it could have alot more growth left in it and will put on the majority of its weight during this time.