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  1. T

    Led Users Unite!

    You would think BMW would be trying to beef up the worst part of its experience-its handling/roadholding on anything except dry roads, I have a very good pal who paid £12500 for a used BMW just over 2 years ago & last year due to snow/Ice it couldnt move or get out the drive, however all his...
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    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Hi GUK420 I have been really pissed off with a lack of progress with mine.started off in piss poor soil, into polytunnel & piss poor weather with temps dropping below 10c at night, then transplanted into hempys, more stunned growth & after seeing the first of my strawberries getting done with...
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    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Hi I've just bought Canna Aqua (mine are in a poly tunnel), not gonna do a grow diary as such with work ect but will post up pics.Im doing mine in hempy buckets as well just transplanted on monday. still very small as started in poor soil & leaves were light green.been giving them weak nutes &...
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    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    G-uk great going, ur the only man i have found doing a grow diary of this most anticipated of auto strains-in the world-the seeds were sold out ages ago-i have 5 seeds-3 on the go along with a purple maroc in a polytunnel latitude 55.only over a week tho