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  1. N

    My breeding project

    i'm going to keep clones of all the parents throughout the process.
  2. N

    looking for total mutant genes

    and gives a whole new meaning to smoking grass :D
  3. N

    My breeding project

    so its been 4 days shes still not totally upright but she's a happy girl here is a update pic, also, i've got a question about trimming and seed production, does anybody have any experience with seeding plants comparing trimmed vs untrimmed plants. I was thinking about this today remembering...
  4. N

    looking for total mutant genes

    if only i had gone to school for some advanced genetics or something... or at least had a friend that had :p cause screw tomatoes i'd go with grass "honey i'm going to mow the lawn".
  5. N

    looking for total mutant genes

    I had never even seen that before, that is pretty interesting. I'm looking to do something a bit more crazy. :p but its good place to start, now i just gotta see if i can find seeds of it
  6. N

    looking for total mutant genes

    Well that sucks, but i'm sure its unavoidable since i'm looking for crazy mutation i'm sure i'm in for lots of hermie genetics. I mostly want to do this for fun as a side project to my breeding project i've decided to start, i figured i'll be doing lots of crosses so there are some good chances...
  7. N

    looking for total mutant genes

    I've never grown blueberry, are the mutations big?
  8. N

    looking for total mutant genes

    So recently I've been thinking about a breeding a "houseplant". Over the years I've seen the standard small genetic anomalies. And thinking back I would love to kick myself for having not had this idea sooner, which i'm sure i am not the first to have the idea. But a mj plant with all out...
  9. N

    My breeding project

    I'm going to start my first major breeding project... I have done my own crosses before with pretty good success, but this is going to be a full on breeding project. I am starting this journal because I want to share my experience as well as get input since many minds are better than 1, but...
  10. N

    My first "public" grow journal :D

    So its only been 2 days since the start of this journal but, the day I started it, the Stretch Armstrong seed stopped stretching (weird) and now that the rest are easier to take photo's of, i figured I'd get get the whole family set of mugshots going. I think I might move them out front for a...
  11. N

    My First "Public" Grow Journal (Discussion)

    LINK to journal: So for a little bit of info, of the location, is my back porch, and it direct sun at 2 times during the day first just before noon, between 11-1130 and then from 3-7, They do get plenty of indirect...
  12. N

    My first "public" grow journal :D

    So here is the start of my Grow journal, It’s not the first time I’ve grown, but it is my first time since moving to this horribly hot weathered state. I figured I would start off with the freebie seeds. They are from, their name “Sensi Kush” here is their description to...
  13. N


    yeah, I actually meant to add that the other day. It had something to do with the hybrid view setting on the forums, I switched it back to the default view and it stopped giving me the messages.
  14. N

    Maybe i was being a little harsh because of the wait, and the false shipment notice. I got them today :D and it was like Christmas!!! the freebie seeds are premature, but the ones I actually ordered are all in great shape, time to hit up the garage for some dirt and pots. :D
  15. N

    Selection: -- if compared to Attitude as a 10, they would be a 1... but they say their prices are cheaper because they keep their selection down and just buy more of what they do get... so I'll go with 2 Price: -- 7 "kind of" comparing strain names , example NL. $158 for Sensi's. And with...
  16. N

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    My seed collecting addiction has started. Actualy, I wouldn't call it an addiction though, its more like a disease, thats contagious, because I don't actualy have any seeds yet I bought some from back on may 18th but haven't received them yet :( , and I didn't have the urge...
  17. N

    HELP my order is taking long

    @ Omgwtfbbq Indicaman, where did you order yours from?
  18. N

    Hello Everybdy and got stealth shipping, I tried emailing them 2 days ago, to find out if there was a tracking number or anything and they have not responded. when i first ordeded I had to change my shipping address and they would email me promptly, so the shopping experienace was nice, but...
  19. N

    Anyone else having problems ordering from here?

    I was able to place an order back on May 18th just fine........but it hasn't arived yet, i tried emailing them 2 days. And they have not replied yet. NX
  20. N

    HELP my order is taking long

    i'm in a similar situation. I ordered mine the 18th from marijuana-seeds they shipped the 20th supposedly, its been 20 days and no package yet. :(