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  1. boliver

    what's the worst thing that has happened to you as a direct result of smoking weed?

    shiiiit ouch I was once bitten by a mosquito and without noticing it I started to scratch the mosquito bite so much so that it burst and I was still scratching it completely unaware that I was wiping blood all up my leg. Then I looked down and noticed my leg completely covered in blood and my...
  2. boliver

    what's the worst thing that has happened to you as a direct result of smoking weed?

    if no one answers my conclusion is that nothing has ever gone wrong ever as a result of smoking weed and I will therefore continue to smoke copious amounts of it.
  3. boliver

    Stupidest High Moment

    haha maybe these kind of stories would make a better thread. situations where you shouldn't have smoked, but you did anyway
  4. boliver

    Stupidest High Moment

    i have to ask.... did you still smoke it?
  5. boliver

    Stupidest High Moment

    whats the stupidest thing you've done high? my friend and I were listening to the song "ocean man" by ween. Whilst standing near the stereo we were talking about how much we loved the song and probably were dancing to it haha. whilst listening i swore i heard something in the song i hadnt...
  6. boliver

  7. boliver

    post your favorite music videos

    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. boliver

    thanks man! really nice to hear some love. hopefully others are/will be thinking the same :)

    thanks man! really nice to hear some love. hopefully others are/will be thinking the same :)
  9. boliver

    weird habbits you have when your high...

    list your strange habbits/hobbies/weird experiences you have whenever you get high that your fellow smokers don't necessarily have. so like things you consider unique to your smoking experience and usually when you try to explain it to them they are like... wtf? i'll start... I get to a point...
  10. boliver

    Would you ____ for $____? game

    yeah i too am concerned about the price i put on that. my bad
  11. boliver

    Original Music!!

    im from australia, my new band is kinda getting around the town a bit, im really digging everything so far we're called mala gold, female singer kind of darkish pop stuff hope you dig it to!
  12. boliver

    Musos: Band Situation Advice

    k so i play guitar for a female singers side project shes doing. but its more or less formed into an actual band now which is wicked cos im diggin everything about it. so we had myself on guitar, bass player, drummer, and singer/keys. our drummer has decided to leave australia (im from aus)...
  13. boliver

    Would you ____ for $____? game

    no! if i have an unforgettable perfect night i want to be able to remember it the next day. no point being unforgettable if you forget (die) would you breathe dope smoke onto a newborn baby for $200
  14. boliver

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    just now. i went outside to piss in the garden. i realised my neigbours would totally be able to hear me and would catch me. so i started to try and lower the volume of my pissing by waving my hips and bits around elliminating a lot of sound (suprisingly)... after about 10 seconds of that i...
  15. boliver

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    not so much a joke but when your mate is really high ask them to open their eyes as wide as they can. give them 5 seconds and they burst into a fit of laughter
  16. boliver

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    my band had an all ages show (underage kids could come). because of this we were not allowed to get drunk. soooo we got really high. BUT what we wern't told was this all ages gig was infact some sort of after school ball concert disco thing. there were like fifty 15/16 year old kids high on...