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  1. N

    WoooHoo Giants win! The Giant are world champs!

    everyone around me (family and friends) were going for New York...i was in doubt when New England went up 14-10 with less than 2-3 minutes on the clock....that Tyree play will go down as one of the best helmet catches in HISTORY...LMAO...i wanted N.E. and there hyped up fans to get what they...
  2. N

    I think we need a Hip Hop thread.

    Hip Hop at its best is...Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Rakim Allah, And mainly Underground artists...Mainstream Rap in general is a joke...they commercialized Hip Hop and nobody stays "Original" anymore...its all booty sluts cars clothes money...everyone raps about the same shit in different...
  3. N

    Super "BOWL"!!!!! who will win?!

    i have no "RESPECT" for New England as a team in general...I hope New York stomps on New England and there "HYPE"...1 more game...i cant wait for N.Y. to crush N.E. and watch what ESPN has to say about "THERE" team losing to New York... why is it that cheaters always because victorious in some...
  4. N

    Medical Pot Users Can Be Fired

    welcome to "AMERICA" where political retards reside
  5. N

    Marijuana Vending Machines!?!?!!? LOL

    my sister actually was talking about this...(shes a medical marijuana patient in Los Angeles... )she told me i was shocked...
  6. N

    what time of day do you have your first toke

    its different everyday...depends if i want a clear head or i want to wake n bake...
  7. N

    My girlfriend flipped out

    looks like the gov't got to her
  8. N

    Weed Plants and Carbon Dioxide

    Yeah i heared... and the way co2 can help produce more thc on plants