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  1. J

    Co2 boost or excellofixx puck?

    There is no question that the CO2BOOST BUCKET is the best of your options. Don't let the price scare you, it is absolutely worth it. I have been growing in a 5x7 tent for 4-5 years and all I use is CO2 Boost. Its all organic/natural, quiet, totally safe to breath and requires no heat/burners...
  2. J

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    CO2 Boost is so easy to use. You just plug it into the timer and thats it. Just get a replacement bucket every 3-4 months. You can also use the contents of the CO2 Boost Kit as fertilizer once you get a replacement bucket
  3. J

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    All, I'm really not sure why there is even a question about using Exhale Bag. They advertise tens of thousands of PPM's of CO2, but there are is no direct distribution to each plant. There is also no pump and since plants only take in CO2 with the lights on, the Exhale Bag wastes half of the...