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  1. P

    Disaster Strikes! Can they be saved?!?!?

    I was 6 weeks into my first grow, had just changed out my big 30 gallon res, had might lights setup kind of high in anticipation of a weeks growth, and i went on vacation for a week. I get home, giddy with excitement, only to find my roomate had hit the switch that controlled the outlets i was...
  2. P

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    Okay I think im going to buy GH grow micro bloom or the nova series 2 part series. will 1 quart bottles be enough for my grow? keep in mind im 5 weeks in right now.
  3. P

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    i was thinking about these as well i just want to make sure the set of quart sized bottles will last me. I cant find any information as to how much total volume each bottle can make I.E. 1 TBLSPOON = 1...
  4. P

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    ill be honest, i have no idea what strain im growing lol. I just know my friend grabbed the seeds in amsterdam last fall. So atleast i know its not dirt weed. Ive begun to think about when i should be cutting clones? Or if i should just go into flowering when the time comes and pull any males...
  5. P

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    took some pics of how they look now, alot more yellow :confused:
  6. P

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    wow thanks for the love/comments guys. I've just gotten home from a 3 day trip and reloaded my res with water and nutes. Right now im just using some whack water nutes i grabbed at a garden center, so im trying to get some real nutes asap. They've grown a bit since i first posted, but the...
  7. P

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    So i started my horticultural adventure about a month ago, built a 6 plant container in a 30 gallon storage container. I germ'd 6 seeds at first, 3 of which have taken off. Its been 30 days to the day since i put the cracked seeds in cubes and they are each about 8" vertical and look good (to...