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  1. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    ok here is another update....the pics that are all jacked up are from the bloom room, lost one as it was a male and yea i let one of those ladies dry out a bit, wow less than 48 hours and she drank it all up Re; Grow 1, i ended up training them a bit, its turning out nice as i got some...
  2. CountGonjula

    First grow updated pics, should i switch to bloom?

    Here are pics of my first and second grow... please give me your thoughts on if i should switch them all to bloom or not? I am not worried about yield size but quality is my goal. I just want to get better at this.... thoughts?
  3. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    here are some current pics..... the bigger ones on the floor are from the first grow, the others are the second...
  4. CountGonjula

    Is it ever too early to switch to bloom?

    These are all great responses. What about quality? Obviously yield will be impacted, but is quality affected if you go to flower before there are alternating nodes? I should LST all my plants, cant ever have them more than 50 in off the floor including pots.
  5. CountGonjula

    Is it ever too early to switch to bloom?

    Is it ever too early to switch to bloom? Assuming the plants are say 5 in tall and have 4-5 nodes. My plants are much bigger than that, thinking of switching to bloom? Is it a good time? (my first grow)
  6. CountGonjula

    First grow, should i switch to bloom? + rep for feedback

    ok well then the time is probly now, the biggest is 24 in. smallest is about 10 in with 6-7 nodes
  7. CountGonjula

    First grow, should i switch to bloom? + rep for feedback

    They are in big pots so have grown slowly and gone through a N problem, but they look ok and have been growing fast recently. should i switch them to under 1000hps at 12/12? if not now when? I tried to supercrop one and it seems to be recovering... still growing but the stem has split...
  8. CountGonjula

    She's too big, i tried to supercrop her above the third node. Will she be ok? PICS

    i may have been too harsh, bout to check on her now for the first time since yest... I snapped everything in there but was easy on the outer layer, seems as though the stress may have split them a little on the sides though so i propped her up so the bend is just above 90 degrees. will update...
  9. CountGonjula

    She's too big, i tried to supercrop her above the third node. Will she be ok? PICS

    She was getting too big and I have at least 3-4 weeks of veg left for them. So i tried to supercrop her above her 3rd node. What do you think? Will she be ok based on these pics? I think i have fixed her N problem. You may notice she is quite yellower than the others. I want to...
  10. CountGonjula

    Started from seeds in big pots,, should i top? PICS

    This is my first grow. I started in 6.5g pots (wont be doing that again) and it's taking the plants forever. :) I'm assuming they will be huge, biggest is 21 in now, by the time there are alternating nodes... I plan to bloom under 1000w HPS and need to fit these ladies under 4.5 ft from...
  11. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    in fact u can see the galss on the top of my avatar pic lol
  12. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    a few days ago i put a glass of capri sun in there (wild cherry to be specific, i drank all the pacific cooler already), there are 4-5 gnats in there and i've maybe seen one today.
  13. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    Ok i will remove the really bad yellow leaves???? I read that dead leaves attract the insects. Thanks for the advice thus far. My lights are on during the day like a dumb dumb so i am never awake to spray my 3in1 for insects. However, i will be doing so an hour after lights go off during the...
  14. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    No these are not topped. These started from femenized seeds. The smaller plants in the bottom pics are grow2 after 22 days. I plan to do my second grow in 1g pots for veg. I plan to wait until i see alternating nodes on the secondary stems. However, these girls will likely be huge in the...
  15. CountGonjula

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    This is my first post so i hope i dont fudge it up. Below is info re: my first grow going on now. These pics are from 2 hours ago. I've been reading tons on Rollitup and I love this site so i wanted to create a good detailed post for some help with my Grow. Thank you in advance. I have...