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  1. tmann92

    Is 2C-I fun, or even worth trying?

    I agree, I thought 2ci was pretty shitty. I really didn't feel any sort of MDMA high, and the visuals were very weak. Some of my friends I was with enjoyed it but we all agreed it was much weaker than expected.
  2. tmann92

    Fall/Winter Gardening

    you can give potatoes a shot too
  3. tmann92

    Best shroom strain.

    no shit same here. the guy told me they were thai mushrooms
  4. tmann92

    Many Can I Grow In Ca?

    it depends on the county and city regulations. Some places allow 99, some 12
  5. tmann92

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    i just started cantaloupe a month or so a go. they have been growing but yesterday I found a lot of bugs on the underside of the leaves. after a little research i think that they a flea beetles but im not for sure. Any suggestions on an organic pesticide or something i can do so i can contain...
  6. tmann92

    Social Gardeners

    thanks dannyboy, i got in touch with her
  7. tmann92

    Social Gardeners

    fuck i put social instead of socal
  8. tmann92

    Social Gardeners

    im new to this whole thing and have only started gardening for a little over a year now. i just wanted to know what successes you have had with different vegetables and even what kind of set up you are you using. Thanks for the help
  9. tmann92

    Dangers for Butane Extracted Oils/Waxes

    nice seems pretty easy. thanks for the help man, i will try this out in the near future
  10. tmann92

    Dangers for Butane Extracted Oils/Waxes

    thanks for the help. i haven't been making any myself yet(maybe in the near future), but i have been picking all my oils and waxes from a well respected dispensary. I never had any worries, until some skeptics started telling me I was putting my health at risk. @colonnuggs: how difficult is it...
  11. tmann92

    Dangers for Butane Extracted Oils/Waxes

    i have been using the skillet often to smoke both butane and co2 extracted oils and waxes. While I can definately tell that these concentrates were made properly because I cannot taste any type of impurities, is there still a greater risk of inhaling cancerous materials and large amounts of...
  12. tmann92

    Best Headshops in So Cal?

    theres a place called jays paradise in santa ana that has a good selection. Its right off 17th