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  1. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    However a perpetual grow may be good to have constant supply, oh the choices
  2. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    Apologies for the newness but I mean I want six plants in there together? Start to finish? Hope that makes sense
  3. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    Anyways chaps I got to take the little nippers to the flicks but I'll drop back later
  4. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    Auto's for outside? I can see me needing some help along the way! Think I will do both inside and out I mean why the hell not. Alot more research to do my end I think. Are you guys uk based?
  5. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    No not up in Scotland, I think I might give both a whirl. At what stage to they go in and harvest then? I assume after the last frost and it's done when it's done?
  6. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    Just taking a look through attitude but there is to much choice and not enough experience for me
  7. J

    Looking for some newbie help this is the seed I have just popped
  8. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    In the uk? I have no neighbours and loads of outdoor space but just concerned about the temps etc?
  9. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    Yeah I did use a closet last time but it stunk really bad, my other half old man is a prison guard so pretty sure he would know what he was smelling
  10. J

    First grow of my life. How am I doing?

    This thread is old dudes
  11. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ahh now suddenly it's all working, but yes it's me son
  12. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Can you see this
  13. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey an anyone see the thread I just started, can't seem to see it in my recent threads
  14. J

    Looking for some newbie help

    Good evening folks, Already done a 1st little grow (only 2 plants), and was a fair few months ago and was a bit cowboy!! Ive sprouted the first seed but now looking for a cheap but decent setup, good value I suppose . The last smoke was great but not enough and now back on bought smoke...
  15. J

    Tapatalk Implementation

    Another vote plz
  16. J

    Need help finishing off please!

    Many thanks have ordered that. I have a spare e27 socket, will 1 125w blue + 3x 20w red do until sex shows then switch to 6x 20w red? Now hunting for a pc fan - have some bits somewhere I am sure.
  17. J

    Need help finishing off please!

    Cheers for the quick response much appreciated. Got a few more bits to complete fornit then will stick some pics up.
  18. J

    Need help finishing off please!

    I willnorder some 6500k online, could only get the other from the hardware shop this morning. If the seeds germ before the 6500k s arrive will having them just on 2700 for maybe a few days do any harm?
  19. J

    Need help finishing off please!

    Just wanted to note that I can take pictures if needed. Also looking for a cheap temp monitor - any recommendations ?
  20. J

    Need help finishing off please!

    Hey all I am new uk grower here and have been reading the forums for a while taking in all the fantastic info, such a great forum! Anyway here goes......... I have 3 auto flower ministry of cannabis little angel seeds in some water before germinating in paper towel method. My grow room...