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  1. N

    Hey mrmatt, I was reading through the seed reviews and noticed you have g13 NL AF grow at five...

    Hey mrmatt, I was reading through the seed reviews and noticed you have g13 NL AF grow at five weeks. (now between six and seven) I also got that strain, it just arrived couple weeks ago... Im curious to know how they are coming along... I've yet to plant mine, but will after my current grow...
  2. N

    Has Anybody Heard Of Bonnie's Plant Food??

    used 3/4th strength on four plants 1 month veg in FFOF, so far so good. nice green growth :) no signs of nute burn. Good enough for me.
  3. N

    Has Anybody Heard Of Bonnie's Plant Food??

    Picked up a bottle today at Wally World, NPK 8-4-4. 12$