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  1. taffyg

    How often should i feed?

    Hi, hope sum1 can help me out. Ive got some white widow 4 wks old, growing in bio-bizz. I am currently watering every two days as my cupboard is very small and very hot 91- 94 . I was watering every 3rd day, but plants were drying out too quickly, due to the heat. I have hesi nutes, which I...
  2. taffyg

    leaves turning yellow, high temp?

    Thanks for the advice , hopefully see sum results with nutes. Thanx all
  3. taffyg

    leaves turning yellow, high temp?

    not yet, im using bio bizz, its 4 weeks sunday, guna start on a weak solution then
  4. taffyg

    leaves turning yellow, high temp?

    Please help me out, I have some 3.5 week old white widow, the leaves are turning yellow at bottom and wilting. The temp in there is 91, gota clip on fan going 24/7, any ideas, Ill post some pics so you can see, peace
  5. taffyg

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    It's simple enuff leaving a thread and picture, but how the hell do you locata them to see replies? Please help, Ive posted twice now,
  6. taffyg

    35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Im a first time grower, and know that regular plants can benefit from HP , can my 3 week old white widow, and when, and how much if any should i give her? Help me out man! :wall:
  7. taffyg

    Yellow Leaves?

    Hi , Im . my first grow, i got 11 white widows in my vegging room. Theyre 3 week old, and up to now have looked healthy and thrived. I know the first leaves will drop off, but quite alot of the bottom leaves are turning yellow. It is very warm in the cupboard, have a small fan with no...