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  1. f4ouram

    Should I start flushing?? need advice!

    im using micro, grow, bloom, overdrive, budswell, b-52, H202
  2. f4ouram

    Should I start flushing?? need advice!

    this is week 6 of flower and im pretty sure theyll be ready by week 8, but i didn't keep a journal for my first grow so i need some help. the pics below are purple erkel and GDP. do you think its safe to start flushing now?
  3. f4ouram

    Shipping from one compassionate state to another?

    Does anyone know the penalties for shipping from one compassionate state to another? More specifically California to Rhode Island, NJ, Vermont
  4. f4ouram

    Many Can I Grow In Ca?

    you need a growers license to grow 99. the limit for a reg club card is 6-12
  5. f4ouram

    Leaves look raised and wrinkled, what is this?? pics attached

    it's a fairly new pen, so it's been calibrated recently. i did do a water change and feeding on Tuesday too, but it was all picture perfect or so my readers said. i did mess up and feed the one tray that's not on ebb n flow water w a pH that was too high but it doesn't explain why both trays...
  6. f4ouram

    Leaves look raised and wrinkled, what is this?? pics attached

    im growing hydro in rockwool under 1000 watt bulbs on 75%. i use eb and flow, nutes used are micro, grow, bloom, b-52, and hygrozyme. one of my girls had spider mite damage so i removed her, and sprayed azatrol on tuesday. next day the top leaves looked like this, and now new growths are...
  7. f4ouram

    what is wrong with my leaves?

    see pics.... thanks for any suggestions!
  8. f4ouram

    New girls are having problems, nothing i do works!!!!

    I have two strains in my tray now: urkle, and grandad. They were rooted in cocoa cubes and a little over a week ago I transplanted them into rockwool cubes that were soaked overnight, but the pH might have been a little high when transplanted. On day 3 the urkles started losing color, day 5 I...
  9. f4ouram

    opinions on those ppl who must take their dog

    doesn't bother me, but i'm a dog lover.
  10. f4ouram

    hey hows it goin

    hey hows it goin
  11. f4ouram

    High Humidity/Heat Question

    i bought a 25 gallon dehumidifier at best buy for under $100 only a month ago, well worth the money. another fan would cost more, but being you have a funky smell going on you might need it for better ventilation. have you checked your roots for rot? if your plants are emitting a moldy smell...
  12. f4ouram

    Beginning Week 7 of Flower, dying plant WHAT HAPPENED??

    leaves are green, just shriveled up and sad looking. i had spidermites during veg and lost a couple plants to them and that's what the dead plant looked like, except the leaves were dried. i already doused them with water so i guess i'll just have to wait and see. :?
  13. f4ouram

    Beginning Week 7 of Flower, dying plant WHAT HAPPENED??

    yea they are. i'll definitely set the timer for twice a day tomorrow, thanks. do you think my two girls are doomed?
  14. f4ouram

    Beginning Week 7 of Flower, dying plant WHAT HAPPENED??

    the temp is steady at 83 degrees, humidity between 55-65%. they flood once a day when the lights come on, but i'll go in and check for dried out cubes, as some plants consume water faster than others.
  15. f4ouram

    Beginning Week 7 of Flower, dying plant WHAT HAPPENED??

    Not week 7, week 6. I've been reading too many posts
  16. f4ouram

    Beginning Week 7 of Flower, dying plant WHAT HAPPENED??

    The other day I realized two of my girls were dehydrated so I gave them some water. Few hours later, leaves perked up and everything looked fine. Yesterday came and went, no problems. This morning when the lights came on I went to check on them, and one that was dehydrated a couple days ago...
  17. f4ouram

    Plant turning Leaves Curling Downward. Pics Attached

    i just scrolled up to a post on 5/25 called "heat moisture stress." that would probably help you out. i had a similar problem a few weeks ago and found that i was over fertilizing. they came right back when i laid off the nutes a bit. good luck.