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  1. Rebs4220

    Leave curling tips dieing

    with out a pic its hard to even say what it could be, an from the sounds of your setup it dont look goood id try an throw a pic up otherwise Good luck.
  2. Rebs4220

    May I get some advice please

    im going thru the same thing what this guy is going thru too (not jacking your thread) id like to know myself for some more answers/advice thanks!
  3. Rebs4220

    Northern light seedling, leaves curling up

    i say it may be heat stress too much heat in the room, same thing im going through but different my leafs are curling outward an not inward like yours which in most cases its a heat stress not saying it is, Good luck!
  4. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    so you think it could just be too much N an little shocked from the transplant? also i still used my original soil but added more fox farms will i still get bad results? or good? im sorry im just confused not from what you said just on my own.
  5. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    thanks man, by any chance you think it might be broad mites? i haven't noticed anything but was just curious. an i did what you said Diabolical666 i did a lolipop an removed the bad leafs.
  6. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    i do how ever understand i do got too much N an i dont want to flush so ill continue to water only an see if that clears? an i dont wanna top her again till i see this claw/curling stop. i feel helpless right now :(
  7. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    ive already topped her awhile back she gots 2 tops coming in nice right now/
  8. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    like i said man i "haven't" givin my plant ANY food or nutes just water unless the nutes from the soil, I NEVER gave my plant any food like i said in my early Post i know the soil i have is "HOT" so why would i add nutes too it? yes i did transplant it so yes i do know its a little shocked...
  9. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    yea your right after loookin at her again i dont see no purple on any of the stems too, i turned off the LED light too that could be givin me issues too soo will see
  10. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    im kinda new to flushing last time i did it to my ak-47 plant it died so i really dont want do it untill i got it down an i dont want this plant to die any other ideas? ive been giving it plain ph water the old growth is what's the worse but the new growth is a much lighter green an when i say...
  11. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    yes you are probably right on that, so what do i do so it dont get any worse?
  12. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    ok so what would cause the leafs to curl inward?
  13. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    bump? also i turned off the LED light i had on her too ive noticed high heat when i added this light which is why i think is giving me the issue im having, any advice???
  14. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    well like i said in my 1st post i haven't feed her i said i only watered her, the pot is 5 gallon, i watered her on the 4th i dont find it being overwatering i do think it could be too much N due to the soil being too hot, also its not how "often" i water it depends the weight of the pot i do...
  15. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    ok i got some pics there not all that good so bare with me, bottom line if you guys cant see it i got canoeing going on on most of the leafs any help?
  16. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    hmm ok well its been 24 hours an there still the same, i will try an upload a pic today soon
  17. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    i know i need to buy one, did yours that were curled up did they go back to normal when the temps went down or did the leafs stay like that?
  18. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    i think it may be heat, the light i got is a T5 right now no bugs at all its indoor grow, i will upload pics 2marrro i just wanna know what could cause it leafs are curling inward an like i said i dont know my temps i said i dont got a hydrometer Lolol
  19. Rebs4220

    Why's my leafs canoeing?

    could they be canoeing in cause of high heat? or too much light an not enough airflow? i added another fan to see if temps go down, sucks though i dont got a hydrometer to tell...any help would be nice sorry no pics at the moment i will upload soon. also its called cheese, have not feed her...
  20. Rebs4220

    topped plant gone hermie?

    hmm this is odd, i topped my plant about a week an half ago an my plants are doing fine, no hermies here lol good luck