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  1. S

    TDS-3 Handheld ppm .5 or .7 ?

    bump trying one more time for an answer
  2. S

    TDS-3 Handheld ppm .5 or .7 ?

    is the TDS-3 .5 or .7 for the charts??
  3. S

    Hydroponic Water Tempatures?

    your taking a lot more out than cal mag. also everyone water is different some 100ppm some 500ppm and isnt hydro about precision. which is why we remove and add so we can control.
  4. S

    Hydroponic Water Tempatures?

    I have read: -Lower Temps are good to keep a sterile system 62-69F -But certain temps in 70's or 80's are optimal for max growth. I'd like to talk about: 1 What temp do you use? 2 Why? 3 What is the Low end optimal sterile temp? 4 What is the the higher optimal max growth temp? 5...
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    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Facts: HID Doesnt use Lenses. First few generations of LEDs to hit markets didnt use lens either. LEDs have penetration issues and are seen as gimic. New generation of LEDs uses 60 degree lenses to focus the beam like a flashlight. People Rave about them. Easier to use with Penetrating...
  6. S

    Sucanat vs Molasses ?

    Interesting i read somewhere that molasses had a particular flavor and sugar cane gave a neutral flavor
  7. S

    Sucanat vs Molasses ?

    Ive searched and cant find the answers to these: 1 how is sucanat compared to blackstrap molasses? 2 pros/cons? 3 which is the more neutral flavored carb that will leave natural genetic flavors? 4 does sucanat also act as a chelating agent just like molasses? Discuss...