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  1. K

    [:] Advanced LED-technology [:]

    the blinking light does nothing for your plants it takes 18 hours of light for veg in leds you say you put more vvolts to your leds the volts are 110 or 220 the leds run on drivers you can run bigger drivers one red led pulls 2.6 volts you add the number of leds most cases 25 leds to one driver...
  2. K

    BlackMesa LED Grow, Paralyzer & Purple Widow

    the plants will grow nice in veg when you put them in flower they will stop growing the buds will look like they have snow on them all buds will be small i put 3 600watt leds in my flower room this what happpen to me in my veg room i have 4 300watt leds to get big buds you have to have 600 or...
  3. K

    fluroscent ( t5 ) lighting.. how do they compare with CFL'S or LED?

    you are right leds dont make big buds they do great in veg room you have too have a 600 or 1000 hps to get big buds in the flower room t5s will not flower good for veg t5 pulls the same volts as a 400watt mhl at 220vols i use leds in my veg room i have 4 300watt leds one 2x4 light i put togehter...
  4. K

    HPS vs LED Question

    I sell and use leds it all is about how much you want to growif you grow 6 plants for your self you can do 400watt mhl to get big buds you have to run 600 or 1000 hps you will flower with 400 but to get big buds you have to have 600 or 1000 hps leds work real good in veg room you can get 300watt...
  5. K

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I ran 3 600watt leds in my flower room small buds .I put 3 1000hps in same room i got 3 times the buds i run 4 300watt leds in my veg room and a 2x4 led i put together they work good in veg room i get my lights from china to have alight you would have to put 1200 leds in a light to get 80,000...
  6. K

    LED lighting!!! worth it??

    stay with your 600watt to flower you can put a 300watt led in veg room the plants like the led no heat from the led to have big buds you have to have 600 or 1000 watt hps in flower room leds in flower room the buds will be small kentrugrolights
  7. K

    Will flowering under MH + led be ok?

    you can make the plants flower buy just going to 12/12 i sell and use leds leds will not flower like hps they will flower the buds are smller but more thc if the plants are to big trim them down slow down on plant food more water when you change the time all plants will flower
  8. K

    Will flowering under MH + led be ok?

    if you grow with mh you flower wiht hps mh is summer bright and hps looks like fall you are tricking the plant to do things in less time when you look at the bulbs mh is bright white hps is more yellow i have never went back to mh the bright light will flash the plants and put them in shock
  9. K

    10000 square foot Grow!

    with my time with big grows dont worry about alarms are girl frineds are going to the bars you will have to live where you grow to do all the spraying picking up all the dead leaves cloning putting in to bigger pots plus keeping ann eye on all the help you will have to have and you will have to...
  10. K

    DIY LED Supplyer advice

    look at newark or arrow ele. but all leds are made in china crees are the best hi dollar you all so need to run a good driver the best drivers are made in korea are japan these drivers will last 8 to 10 years the driver makes the led you can have crees and put a junk driver you will have junk
  11. K

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    you are right if it is a small space you can grow and flower with leds i put 11 plants under 1 600watt led and 1 1000hps my lights gave me 650gams for hps and 450gams for leds i have my own buss. so i grow with my lights and test them leds in my veg room do real well .i have 4 300watt leds 1...
  12. K

    10000 square foot Grow!

    run leds in all veg rooms 600watt on 220v they pull 2amps run hps in flower room on 220v if you go hydo you change lights use soil get a cemet mixer at home depoe mix all soil your self with sand 5 gal pots for flowering any help let me know iam running 30x30 veg room 25x30 flower room i sell...
  13. K

    Is This a Hermie? Pics!

    when you look at the plant and you see little sacks at the flowers that look like bannas are nuts thats a male female is all hairs
  14. K

    Kush Groove. The Black Star

    i ran some 300watt in my flowering room they didnt do as well as the 600watt so i took them out and put in veg room but i have a big room 2 big rooms so it mite be differnt i have no heat
  15. K

    Kush Groove. The Black Star

    let us know what you think of floweing
  16. K

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    as soon as they can get them to flower right the race is on
  17. K

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    if the hps would tell us are if you could test a hps and get the color you would have it
  18. K

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    if they could make a led to copy hps we would have it
  19. K

    LED Lighting for Growing Applications

    a 600watt led will pull 2amps on 220v the cost of the light 950.00 almost all of the led lights on the market look alike because china the same for all its what you ask to have put inside of them my 300watt are white my 600watt are black . if you tell china to build a certen size and next week...
  20. K

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    if you lose more then one light most often it is a driver a 300watt light has 4 drivers in it a600watt led has 6 drivers in it a 90 watt has 2 drivers