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  1. dersayliss

    Very sick plants need help

    I have the water about an inch below the bottom of the next pot so the bubbles are the only thing keeping the medium wet
  2. dersayliss

    Very sick plants need help

    How long has this problem been going on? About two weeks, demestrating what seemed to happen to my last batch Personly i though this was a mag def, so i added 5 ml of cal-mag What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) Home made Dwc with out of 5...
  3. dersayliss

    Plant problems

    Could some one please help me out here i dont know whats wrong with my kids there dieing slowly every day some one help. just need some advice on what i should do or try to do
  4. dersayliss

    Plant problems

    yes that was a big typo its saposta be 15ml on bloom, also with the Epsom salt im compensating for cal-mag never heard of using Hydrogen peroxide _________________________________ as for my addition here are the pictures of the other plants 100_0531.jpg100_0533.jpg
  5. dersayliss

    Plant problems

    How long has this problem been going on? About two weeks, demestrating what seemed to happen to my last batch Personly i though this was a mag def, so i added 5 ml of cal-mag What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) Home made Dwc with out of 5...
  6. dersayliss

    Need Help

    for the time of the light it is on 6pm-6am, it is winter here, they are all full started budding females so there should not be any chance for herm, i have a heater in the room now to bring the temps during there "night" to 65*
  7. dersayliss

    Basement grow light issues

    well it is winter where i am and the setting currently is 6pm to 6am
  8. dersayliss

    Basement grow light issues

    ok i have 4 plants flowering in the basement under a 1000watt hps light the temps at night are 58* and during the "day" it is getting up to about 100* i added more ventilation to the room but it only brought it down to about 85* and i added a heater for the night to bring the temps up to at...
  9. dersayliss

    Question about HPS powering

    with HID lights you need a ballast and then there is a socket and reflector you can find a cheap setup online or you can get a friend that grows that has some extra supply's around
  10. dersayliss

    Need Help

    well what about the plants wilting as bad as they are if i can straiten out the heat should they survive or is this one going to be a loss? :neutral:
  11. dersayliss

    Need Help

    ok i have 4 plants flowering in the basement under a 1000watt hps light the temps at night are 58* and during the "day" it is getting up to about 100* i added more ventilation to the room but it only brought it down to about 85* and i added a heater for the night to bring the temps up to at...
  12. dersayliss

    closet grow need advice on light issue

    thank you for the suggestions on my project i think im going to find a way to vent the door instead of putting holes in the walls
  13. dersayliss

    closet grow need advice on light issue

    it is a walk in closet i am posting some early pics of the closet now
  14. dersayliss

    closet grow need advice on light issue

    the closet does not have any fans or vents in it so what should i look into for ventilation
  15. dersayliss

    closet grow need advice on light issue

    ok so i got a closet that is 7feet tall and 2x3feet wide i was recently given a 1000w HPS setup, would i be able to put this in the closet with the heat because i keep the door to the closet closed at all times for stealth issues or should i go looking for another space to finish out the...
  16. dersayliss

    closet grow need advice on light issue

    ok so i got a closet that is 7feet tall and 2x3feet wide i was recently given a 1000w HPS setup, would i be able to put this in the closet or should i go looking for another space to finish out the plants i got???