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  1. cottoncandy

    whiteflies grasshoppers and spidermites oh myyy

    i dilute it and spray it on. make sure to saturate the plant. i have seen where some people add a little soap (i use dr. bronners peppermint it's organic and the peppermint oil acts as a natural pesticide) just to make sure it adheres to your plant.
  2. cottoncandy

    overfertilization :(

    the yellowed leaves fell off. no browning though, just the elongated middle leaves. it has been rainy the past few days with the addition of me flushing them things are looking up. sigh...trial and error. thank you.
  3. cottoncandy

    overfertilization :(

    no, i'm not an aussie. i'm just a well traveled "bird".
  4. cottoncandy

    overfertilization :(

    hehehe haven't heard that term since i left australia, but yes i am.
  5. cottoncandy

    whiteflies grasshoppers and spidermites oh myyy

    neem oil has been my salvation.
  6. cottoncandy

    overfertilization :(

    my hero! thank you
  7. cottoncandy

    overfertilization :(

    *i just discovered that my baby is going through overfertilization. is she a goner or can i still save her? the only side effects i see are the typical elongated leaves and a few leaves falling off. she is still green and growing stigmas though. do i just let her go through the motions and lay...
  8. cottoncandy

    Some kinda mushroom... (Cubensis cake/poor mans terrarium)

    i wish i had the patience to "jar it". i'm working with the old school method cows, poo, then shrooms. i live on several acres of farmland. so i figured if i could feed the cows..... we have a few shrooms that pop up. i had mentioned in an earlier post the chemical by products in cheap feed...
  9. cottoncandy

    Imus ...

    i took my daughter to go see mastodon and public enemy a few months ago. i'm pretty sure she will be stealing car stereos and starting mass fires any day now. i blame her nonstop listening to gwen stefani myself. :mrgreen:
  10. cottoncandy

    Imus ...

    *jazz and popular music from the days of old contained just as many lewd lyrics as todays music.("black snake moan" is not a song about any old snake) the musicians mastered the art that is double-meanings and innuendos. we as a society have become so blatantly open about topics once considered...
  11. cottoncandy

    Some kinda mushroom... (Cubensis cake/poor mans terrarium)

    the reason i asked is because cattle receive various types of feed. some grass graze, some use grain feed as others use mixed low grade hay. the latter making the manure unusable for fertilizer etc. due to the fact it is mixed with some commercial by products and several types of seeds and just...
  12. cottoncandy

    Some kinda mushroom... (Cubensis cake/poor mans terrarium)

    what kind of feed would you give cows to produce 'shrooms?
  13. cottoncandy

    How high are you... RIGHT NOW?

    *oh how i wish i could support myself on organic goat cheese or something. that would be ideal. one day! i work from home and homeschool my daughter. good morning
  14. cottoncandy

    Magical Gardens

    i wanted to start a thread on the topic of "magical gardens". this would include those of us that enjoy cultivating such beauties as wormwood,poppies,kava,mushrooms etc. here is one of my fav online catalogs: i'm in the process of setting up this...
  15. cottoncandy

    How high are you... RIGHT NOW?

    i live on a farm so waking and baking is how i usually start my day. i woke up at about 6 a.m. smoked a nice green bowl, fed the animals as i caught up on how the civilization is in decline. went out in the garden with my lil ray of sunshine. fed our strawberries and various other plants...
  16. cottoncandy

    Gun Control

  17. cottoncandy

    Imus ...

    as a black female was i offended by what imus said? no, not really. if you listen to some of the mainstream radio stations, bet television you can hear statements like that are thrown around with no discretion whatsoever. i grew up on the comedy of richard pryor, moms mabley, eddie murphy and...
  18. cottoncandy

    please don't let me kill again!

    i wanted to thank everyone who has offered me some of the best advice ever! my gals and i are doing well. they are setup outside in perlite. which i give a lil sip of fish emulsion/molasses to at every feeding. i am now making my way into the great adventure which is cloning. so far, so...
  19. cottoncandy

    determining sex

    just let them do their thing. sometimes you might become too anxious, but in all my trial and error (trust i have experienced alot of fookn error) you gotta have patience. the boys usually start showing me their balls early on. i have had to take out 3 boys over the past weeks :cry: bums me...
  20. cottoncandy

    I duno where to post this but..

    very nice lil setup.