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    Are AIR PUMP and WATER PUMT supposed to work 24/7 or can you limit them with a timer

    for the moment im growing some vegs in an aerofarm, which comes with a water pump but not any air pump so i will need to get one. But i dont know how much water im suppposed to put in the aerofarm. It holds upt to 45l, which would let roots underwater, but i read some ppl telling they fill just...
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    Are AIR PUMP and WATER PUMT supposed to work 24/7 or can you limit them with a timer

    Im about buying my first air pump and water pump but i dont know if they are supposed to work 24/7 or if i can limit the hours they are working a day using a timer. Regarding water pump i understand that if roots get dry for a few minutes they get damaged but i dont know if the time they take...
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    8 PH and herbs are growing why is that, i supposed water ph was very important

    ive also read that heavy metals become available to plants under a ph of 7, and more the lower you go, , and they suck it, and apparently they are spread all over the planet, so in the article they insisted in keeping ph as high as possible. anyway im just trying to grow some vegs but i think...
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    8 PH and herbs are growing why is that, i supposed water ph was very important

    ok got it, i just thought the 5.8 to 6.5 rule was for ALL plants, so if they vary so much in ph requirements then i have my reply, then parsely and chives must be weed cousins cause they are not sprouting still XD
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    8 PH and herbs are growing why is that, i supposed water ph was very important

    no wait im not trying to torture an innocent plant, the reason i ask this is because im actually watching how some herbs that were supposed to not survive (i let the aerogarden on with lights and put nutes like every 2 weeks, but dont do anything about ph) are growing really well with a ph 8...
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    8 PH and herbs are growing why is that, i supposed water ph was very important

    But then is not a matter of not surviving, is it a matter or grow rate? could i grow marihuana on ph 8 then, just that it wont grow as fast and bushy as ppl taking care of ph?
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    8 PH and herbs are growing why is that, i supposed water ph was very important

    Im new to this and decided to begin with a little aerogarden and their seed kit. My idea was to learn managing ph using something organic. After failing i decided to buy a reverse osmosis filter, but while i look around for it i supposed the herbs growing in the aerogarden left with a continuous...
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    Best homemade CO2 recipe you know

    Which is the best recipe you have ever known about to make homemade co2, like yeast and sugar, or sodium bicarbonate and vinegar.
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    Are there ph meters that can be stored dry without the need of any liquid

    Ive read there are different kinds of ph probes in meters. Are there affordable ph meters for hydroponics not needing to store them in liquid to prevent probe from stoping to work. What about the best kind of meter, i mean: Pocket meter, or bigger cotinuous one that can either be moved or...
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    Is organic ph down some kind of joke for noobs

    Thx for clarify, so i understand better what the reason behind organic grow is. I didnt now earth juice was a single brand product, i thought it was a kind of product sold by many brands, and that some made it not full organic. Is that what you use, which would be the best to pair with biosevia.
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    Is organic ph down some kind of joke for noobs

    Dont let me down, dont be cruel with my stupid and contradictory dream :) Yep in fact, in europe, you cannot get organic certification unless using soil, so you are right On the PVC part i try to find which material is a system made of before buying it, so i dont buy PVC which is dangerous and...
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    Is organic ph down some kind of joke for noobs

    Hiya the issue is that ive found lot of threads in many forums from ppl asking exactly the same: Is there any way to adjust ph organically in hydroponic and aeroponic And they get all the same replies, like vinegar, lemon, earth juice, bla bla bla There is not some kind of comunity agreement...
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    Is organic ph down some kind of joke for noobs

    Im beginning to think that full organic aeropony and hydropony is impossible because there is no way to adjust ph organically (without regular ph up and down). My findings are: Vinegar: push down ph for ONLY 24 hours, and leaves an sticky trail behind. Baking soda: pushes it up and is...
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    Newb HELP with water ec ph and BIOSEVIA

    yeah thats great but i stil think i should have made more clear in my first post, again you are really nice guy:mrgreen: and yes im findind lot of fun in hydroponics as i learn. Im still learning water behaviour ec and ph before putting a single seed. Another question: Are there...
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    Newb HELP with water ec ph and BIOSEVIA

    Hmm i feel i made a mistake, i mean, well first i hope your wife gets well, she is lucky to have a so nice guy with her. My mistake is that i see my message on this forum would mean im learning hydroponics to grow mj. But in fact im learning them to grow veggies. The reason i posted here is...
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    Newb HELP with water ec ph and BIOSEVIA

    Hiya, but is npk ratio just info given by manufacturer of the content, or is that ratio something i need to use in some way when using nutes. For the rest what im asking is if anything of what im doing is a big newb error. I mean gh says i must add 3mlx2 (biosevia grow, and biosevia...
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    Newb HELP with water ec ph and BIOSEVIA

    Im comletely lost on this after reading a lot i have very newb questions. Would you help me. 1. In biosevia hydro grow and bloom bottles i can see three numbers separated like 1-2-3 what do they mean. 2. Water: With nothing added, 3.2 litres of tap water measured for PH and EC reads...
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    my tap water is ph 7.7 receive ph down and up bottles and GOT MY ASS SCARED

    Your method is great, and i agree with you. Not playing with ph would be the best way to grow plants as long as you can count on bio nutes and resting the water apart for 24h to get usable ph for plants to absorb nutes. I find also that in case u really need to use ph modifiers that little...
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    my tap water is ph 7.7 receive ph down and up bottles and GOT MY ASS SCARED

    Are you sure soda and vinegar killed your plants cause i took them as my first choice :( lot of chaps here say they are using them with no issues except that they usually do not change ph for more than 2 days. And im european so dont know those shops but will go to some equivalent here and...
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    my tap water is ph 7.7 receive ph down and up bottles and GOT MY ASS SCARED

    hmm, so choices are, organic groth with algae warfare, or toxic growth killing beneficial microbes. I probably will try to go organic route using some vinegar, and see how hard it is. If it is too difficult, will keep organic nutes, and use those ph up and down to kill algae. Maybe beneficial...