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  1. GoodDogBadDog

    Man's Best Friend... (Post your pics)

    I could be mistaken but I had read a similar story in an article and the dogs were Presa Canario. When people meet my dog they always ask if he's a "giant pit" or a Presa.
  2. GoodDogBadDog

    Man's Best Friend... (Post your pics)

    Agreed, a true APBT should max out at around 65 lbs. The large "pits" you see are American Bullys which are becoming recognized as their own breed with their own breed standard, beautiful dogs just not a true American Pit Bull Terrier.
  3. GoodDogBadDog

    Man's Best Friend... (Post your pics)

    Thanks, yeah they can be pretty expensive anywhere from $1000-$3000 depending on the breeder. He was 7 months in that pic and about 10 months in my avatar, he turns 1 year next month and is still growing like a weed!
  4. GoodDogBadDog

    Plants flowering, why so soon?

    I hear ya, I'm just a little worried about mold. It's the rainy season down here and the temps are mid 90's everyday but it's the humidity I'm most concerned with. The humidity is around 75%-100% daily, even at night it sits at 75%. Was hoping to flower with lower temps and much less humidity...
  5. GoodDogBadDog

    Plants flowering, why so soon?

    Thanks for the comments, they seem to be filling out pretty decent so far although I was hoping to veg for at least another month.
  6. GoodDogBadDog

    The guardian of my plants!

    Nice Boxer! Nice plants!
  7. GoodDogBadDog

    Man's Best Friend... (Post your pics)

    My Cane Corso, lets me know if someones creeping near my property. Cool thread!
  8. GoodDogBadDog

    Plants flowering, why so soon?

    She was started from seed @ the beginning of May and has been outside it's entire life. I have 2 and they are both flowering, both have the red stems but one is starting to show some red veins in the main stalk... How worried should I be? Defficiency? thanks for your input, much appriciated!
  9. GoodDogBadDog

    Plants flowering, why so soon?

    Sunrise right now in Fl is 6:41am, sunset @ 8:26pm and they get about 9 direct the rest indirect. The pics were taken @ 5:00pm as the sun is hitting the tree line and is filtered till sunset. I think that's sufficient but I am fairly new to Fl and have never grown outdoors before.
  10. GoodDogBadDog

    Plants flowering, why so soon?

    My location is Florida, anybody else in the south experiencing this also I'm concerned about the red stems and have read conflicting things about it. The plants seem healthy and was just looking for some opinions. Take a look... thanks.
  11. GoodDogBadDog

    Topped my plants 11 days ago and have a few questions.

    @Buick, thanks for the input:) They do get a good breeze and I dug a hole to place the bucket so the top of it sits even with the ground. Also stuck a couple clay bricks to sit the bucket on so the drainage holes I drilled get some airflow and I use a thin breathable fabric stretched accross the...
  12. GoodDogBadDog

    Topped my plants 11 days ago and have a few questions.

    @Terry, I understand that the temps aren't ideal but I really have no control since they are outdoor plants. Thanks
  13. GoodDogBadDog

    Topped my plants 11 days ago and have a few questions.

    Well I was locked up for MJ but I wasn't growing it. I've been smoking since I was a kid and I'll continue to smoke till the day I die! Also since I like to smoke and will continue I refuse to buy it from anyone, period! So I plan on learning a bit from this grow and then I will set up something...
  14. GoodDogBadDog

    Topped my plants 11 days ago and have a few questions.

    Another question :) The temps have been mid 90's with mid to high humidity everyday! Could that be affecting the growth? (I'm not originally from Fl and it's extremely fuckin hot down here!)
  15. GoodDogBadDog

    Topped my plants 11 days ago and have a few questions.

    Hello all, a little background info: I'm new to this site and new to growing. I experimented with some indoor plants about ten years ago when i was in my late teens and have never had any outdoors. As for my questions, I topped my 2 plants, both females, 11 days ago to keep them short for...
  16. GoodDogBadDog


    Well, got a magnifying glass today and tried your technique, didn't see anything so i'm hoping that it's not a bug issue. By the way theese are outdoor plants (2) and I live in Florida so I know I'll be running into some bug problems sooner or later. I also have some more pics and other...
  17. GoodDogBadDog

    Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!

    Interesting...I like it, will be watching to see how she turns out!
  18. GoodDogBadDog


    Victory, thanks for the tip, will do. I'll post back with my findings.
  19. GoodDogBadDog


    Hello all, I am new 2 growing and need some help. I noticed some silver specs/spots on my leaves a couple days ago, take a look. Any feedback will be greatly appriciated! Thanks