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  1. Sunnysideup

    Gorilla seedbank review

    Yes, I am aware you do not breed. But you are obviously either storing them incorrectly or they have been on your shelf for a hell of a long time. I just hate wasting my time and money on seeds that bring nothing more than hermies...and that is what I got. Check your dates cause something is...
  2. Sunnysideup

    Gorilla seedbank review

    I ordered from this place in June....Started my grow in July. All I can say is genetics are poor. Out of 12 auto, fem seed,,,,only 2 were NOT hermies. All the Royal Autos were junk. The 2 that actually yielded anything (very small amount) were Narcotic Kush. Very poor genetics and a huge...
  3. Sunnysideup

    I miss you, pretty lady.....

    I miss you, pretty lady.....
  4. Sunnysideup

    For your enjoyment weeds new episode..

    I just downloaded the torrent tonight! I am a fan of Nancy, she is hot in her own cute way.
  5. Sunnysideup

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    Louis is bringing up a good point, though he brings it to the table in the 'Louis' way.... Hopefully she thinks of that if she has another encounter with him or his girl.....Gotta watch out for the kids.:peace:
  6. Sunnysideup

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    Kitty, you got a temper like me....Trust me, I have been where you are...First thing, don't do anything stupid!! All that will do is cost you money in attorney fees and then you will have to have a record expunged, blah! Believe me when I say, in 1 year you will look back at this and be so...
  7. Sunnysideup

    Wake & Bake Round 2!

    Oh Sicc......Oh Sicc.....
  8. Sunnysideup


    Morning Smoke! What a beautiful day!
  9. Sunnysideup

    light timer malfunctioned

    They will be fine....just resume your normal schedule. :peace:
  10. Sunnysideup

    Hi! The mod's took it down.:( They don't want anymore threads that are only one word posts...

    Hi! The mod's took it down.:( They don't want anymore threads that are only one word posts. They said it took up too much room on the server...It was fun while it lasted.
  11. Sunnysideup


    It is an engine made by Seadoo and you got to know what you are doing to work on them...Mine was 96 Speedster, with 2 of those engines. Nothing but problems for me and getting them fixed was even harder. I think with the Challenger, since it only has 1 engine it is better. 2 was disastrous...
  12. Sunnysideup

    tanning while high?

    I bought a tanning bed because I like to control how much uv I am getting. I am also fair skin, so by laying in the bed I get a 'base' tan and then I won't burn as badly outside. The natural sun tears me up....
  13. Sunnysideup


    Good evening everyone. What a HOT day it was here!!! A Seadoo boat...had one, mine was a speedster with the dual rotax engines, fast as hell. They break all the time, they are nothing more than a jet ski just a larger size....I kept mine for a year and then dumped it onto the next...
  14. Sunnysideup

    tanning while high?

    It depends what kind of tanning you are doing....I have a tanning bed in my garage and I always get stoned before I get in. Now, outside by the pool...Nope, I hate it. Too hot and it is miserable.
  15. Sunnysideup


    Yup, that is how I felt! Plus, I think Keanu is pretty hot and in this movie, not so much....:? They could of done so much with effects, yet they chose a lame route on that one...Yeah, not that good. Morning Mike!
  16. Sunnysideup


    Cool, thanks! The Day The Earth Stood Still was the new one with Keanu Reeves....It reminded me of the Matrix with ET mixed in....I didn't think it was that good.
  17. Sunnysideup


    Hey CJ, I found this snake in my pool this morning....Can you look at it and tell me what it is?:)
  18. Sunnysideup


    Morning, Twisty. :hug:
  19. Sunnysideup


    You won the best prize, ever!! MY friendship.:clap: Yesterday was movie day around here. We watched a lot! Gran Torino, 1408 and The Day The Earth Stood Still. They were all pretty good, minus the earth one.:) We enjoyed our day. I will look into Sunshine, for tonight. (thanks for the...
  20. Sunnysideup

    Where did the word association game go???

    My word game was removed too....I asked Gogrow, but, he was not sure why. I think they were removing large threads to clear up space, but, mine was only 20 pages or so....So, it wasn't large, but, it is gone with no explanation. Dunno.