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  1. G

    NEEM OIL for Life!

    I know this is an older thread but by using a Hotshot No Pest Strip you are spreading dangerous toxic pesticide all over your plants. That's why this product is not suitable to be used around humans or pets. The sticky fly strips are a much safer option for killing flying insects.
  2. G

    dr.greenthumb didnt send seeds

    You state that you made two orders and that your max on the debit card is $200.00. The way that works is $200.00 is the limit you can charge on one day not on each order. So if you went beyond your limit then your bank only paid him for one order. That would explain why you received the first...
  3. G

    Medicine, Man by Snafu (All Organic)

    Looking Excellent! It is so good to see a positive Medicine Man grow. I have a 15 pack I am about to run and have been finding some not so positive grow reports. I wanted good stable genetics and now I am not so sure.