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  1. rvd2112

    First Grow(Critiques welcome)

    :leaf:My first grow using T8 florescents,Fafard soillessmix,Fox farm nutes and Jorge's "Marijuana Grow basics".The seeds were bag seeds,an Indica I believe.Take a look any critique welcomeThanx,mike in RI
  2. rvd2112

    Welcome New Members!

    Still chances of intermitent power outages and plenty of areas without power,Just have to wait it out I guess.At least I have power but there's quite a few who don't and are going to lose everything 8(((
  3. rvd2112

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Tapeheads,Buster Keaton films,Porkys 1 &2,Plan 9 From Outer Space,any Monty Python,Pink Flamingoes
  4. rvd2112

    Welcome New Members!

    High,just finished gro room,but will have to wait til after Irene to actually get "growing".Hope everybody stays safe during this crap 8-))))
  5. rvd2112

    What Do You Think Of Texans?

    Don't know about all of Texas,but San Antonio & Austin were all right.No chainsaw killers !!
  6. rvd2112

    Anyone Heard of 11th State Consults?

    You might need to give 11th State a call.I had my appt. on May 20th and mailed my paperwork on May 31st.I never received the phone call about being approved but I received my letter from the state last Friday,while most people seem to take 6 weeks to get their card,mine was a little quicker.You...