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  1. M

    Ice Kush 100% Organic CFL Grow (Look at this!)

    Looks nice. I am growing under floros too and was wondering what kind of yield you got? Veg time?
  2. M

    1st Time SCROG, Super Silver Haze, Floresence Lights

    I may be replacing my floro tubes for 400 watt HPS from a friend today, do you all think my current setup will be able to cool this increased heat pressure?/ will the hood get hot enough to melt my plastic tent?
  3. M

    First Grow. Scared and Excited.

    Nice strain. Do you have some sort of ventilation in place, running a 1000W MH produces a lot of heat and without proper ventilation you'll cook the whole room. I'm not sure if your in a house or apartment but the light socket in the middle of the room (assuming your upstairs) should probably...
  4. M

    1st Time SCROG, Super Silver Haze, Floresence Lights

    This is my first scrog grow and the second grow of this strain. I grew the strain years ago and have kept track of clones that I gave away and when I had a chance to grow again I was able to procure one for myself. Unfortunately I do not have access to a strain that would preform better...