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  1. emily.m.grant

    HERMIES!! Can We Save This?

    Got dutch master reverse. It worked like a charm. I would highly recommend it to anyone having similar problems. It Kills off the male flowers, as well as it halts seed production. The immature seeds were actually "pushed out' by the plant! It was crazy.. D M reverse...Great shit:)
  2. emily.m.grant

    Lighting Question: 12/12 in bud

    Plants are in bud 12on and 12 off. with a 1000w When the plants are in the dark cycle I know how important it is for them not to get ANY light , (Hermes stunting yr plants etc). I am wondering about the opposite. When the plants are in their light cycle can they get any dark? (this is a...
  3. emily.m.grant

    Do i have to flush if i making oil?

    I have about 6 plants (ordered the seeds online never doing that again ) any way, I have others growing well, but the ones from seed are just sad. they have one more week in bud and they should be done. i am convinced its not worth smoking, so am going to make oil. I want to know if I should...
  4. emily.m.grant

    Hello, Lets be friends : ?

    Hello, Lets be friends : ?
  5. emily.m.grant

    HERMIES!! Can We Save This?

    I just went over them today and pinched off every flower/sack i could find, so sadly there is not much to take a picture of. the flowers i found have ALREADY opened. I have laready come to terms with the fact that my 7 mature ones are fucked. even though i dont see signs of seeds on a few of...
  6. emily.m.grant

    HERMIES!! Can We Save This?

    OK here is the deal, we started with seeds we found in some really good quality bud. We maybe found 1 seed pr oz or two of this shit, anyway we planted them and have 7 females in the end stages of budding (about 2-3 weeks left) we cloned from these plants a month or so ago, so now we have bout...
  7. emily.m.grant

    Flushing With Water

    We were fertilizing with crappy MG tomato stuff ( i know, i know, BAD idea) :( ...we have just bought good quality ferts. some of our plants are just starting off in the flowering stage. we are wondering about flushing them with ONLY water before we start with the Bloom ferts. will water...
  8. emily.m.grant

    Adding Lime To Soil

    I am wondering about adding lime to my soil -to acchieve a neutral PH- I believe the PH level in my soil is low -acidic- I am wondering if i can/should add lime to correct this. I am worried about salt build up, I used sh**ty MG ferts for the first few months cause that was all I had.:dunce: I...
  9. emily.m.grant Legit?

    Order from we ordered 3 packs one white rhino, one big bud and one California orange 12 seeds in a package. the package arrived with in a week, all seeds were in good shape....but all the seeds looked alike, I mean REALLY alike. It has made me suspicious that they might...
  10. emily.m.grant

    Spots on leaves??

    What is this from?? small yellow/light brown spots, only on one or two leaves per plant, and only on one 'segment' of the leaf. does anyone know what could be causing this? i have gone over all of my plants with a magnifying glass, and i do NOT have bugs. growing indoors in soil <1000...
  11. emily.m.grant

    Potting soil Question.

    We are using 'dutch treat potting soil" (pic above) it comes pre fertilized for starting plants. Contains Peat moss, pumice, and other organic materials. Question: we have bags of vermiculite and perlite and are wondering how much of each should be added to the soil for additional benifit *if...
  12. emily.m.grant

    for sure. we are few and far between

    for sure. we are few and far between
  13. emily.m.grant

    Whats wrong?

    This plant was started outside along with 8 others, we moved them all in and under a 1000 watt halide 11 days ago. every plant -exept this one- is doing fine, this plant is continuously wilted, it wilts more at night it seems, now the leafs are getting wrinkly. they are all in soil fert w/ MG...
  14. emily.m.grant

    What age does a plant pre flower?

    wondering how old a plant usually is when it starts showing signs of what sex it is? I am able to sex some of my plants, but not all of them. :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:
  15. emily.m.grant

    how big of an exhaust fan do I need??

    The dimentions of the room are 4ft X5 3/4ft and 8 ft high. (with a 1000watt metal halide bulb) we are wondering how big (CFM) the exhaust fan should be Thanks to anyone who responds. :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:
  16. emily.m.grant

    Watering With Rain Water

    I am wondering if there is any advantage to watering my plants with rain water, i am on the west coast, so its easy to come by :) the ph of the tap and rain water are both the same right around 7. I have been using tap water, just letting it set 24 hr. to evap the chlorine, I am in a major city...
  17. emily.m.grant

    Hello how ya doin'

    Hello how ya doin'
  18. emily.m.grant

    Using Baking Soda to Raise Ph

    The ph of my water is right around 7 after i add the miracle grow the ph is lowered down to about 5, 5.5 i am wanting to bring it back up and i herd i could use baking soda, anyone have experience with this? and what are the measurements (how much baking soda would i use pr litre?) :leaf: :leaf...
  19. emily.m.grant

    Trimmimg Shade Leaves?

    Thanks to everyone for the advice. good to know ...I will NOT be doing this any time soon:)
  20. emily.m.grant

    Trimmimg Shade Leaves?

    we started this plant outside so the shade leaves are much larger than the new groth (we moved it inside under a 1000 watt 5 days ago) and we are wondering about any potential damage we might cause by trimmimg these leaves off (talking about the 2 bigest leaves in the pic) whats your opinion...