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  1. vicious canid


    lousy camera phone
  2. vicious canid


    same plant revegged 6 months later took for ever to reveg
  3. vicious canid

    is it soup yet

    foxtailing or revegging? little light leakage its almost done 3rd grow still learning. the one leaning over is from 6/23 other two 7/10
  4. vicious canid

    how do i get rid of FUNGAS KNATS???

    thin layer of worm castings and a no pest strip worked for me.
  5. vicious canid

    is it soup yet

    started flowering apr 25 put it out to early. A week or two?
  6. vicious canid

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    working well thx
  7. vicious canid

    Step Right Up! What books are you currently reading?

    I like to get high and read marvel comics been doing it for 35 years.
  8. vicious canid

    Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

    whenever I was in a new strange place I always asked a cab driver where can I get some weed? worked 99% of the time from Philadelphia to Singapore.
  9. vicious canid

    41 days old flowering Hso Blue Dream

    I just popped a boner
  10. vicious canid

    male preflower?

    damn and he was doing so good thx for reply thought so but wanted to make sure before I kill it
  11. vicious canid

    male preflower?

    is this a male preflower blue dream from bagseed
  12. vicious canid

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    just built ez-cloner wish me luck
  13. vicious canid

    Grow light

    friend gave me a grow light he didn't know anything about it. his old room mate left it. light bulb says LUCALOX LU400 MADE IN USA 1105 Hg is it 400 watts? and whats the Hg
  14. vicious canid


    so it made it to maturity without dieing I win that was my goal I have to learn not to kill them first. I was following a cfl perpetual cab grow but I killed the mother so wanted to see if I could bring these 4 to maturity. as soon as they showed root put to flower. I don't have a green thumb so...
  15. vicious canid


    how am I supposed to learn?
  16. vicious canid


    Purple Cadillac whats with the leaves besides to cold at night.
  17. vicious canid

    almost done?

    well I think it's done hope not to done trimmed the top of tree letting bottom go a few more days,a week
  18. vicious canid

    almost done?

    is it done yet
  19. vicious canid

    almost done?

    thx not a lot of yield but the plant lives,which if you knew me is in itself a miracle.