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  1. Purpy Longstockings

    Chicken wire, netting, ect..

    Yeah, I feel you....for a while I wondered if they do that shit on purpose! My male used to fart louder and more often than anyone else in the house.....just the smell alone would wake you out of a dead sleep. Every pit owner I know has the same problem... one of my boys had one (male) who...
  2. Purpy Longstockings

    I think we need a Hip Hop thread.

    CAli-CO Inc. Me and my homie started it. Got a click of dudes with skills...some major, some so-so, but we have fun wid it. I was given an ultimatum by my wife: MUSIC OR YOUR FAMILY, BUT NOT BOTH!!!!! so i can't fuck wit it no more, but my dude lowlife can create some of the sickest beats I've...
  3. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    thanks for the help y'all. gd nite.
  4. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    not worried about electricity until i move up to mh/hps...just wanna do the best i can with what i got. judging from the different responses it seems like there are other factors to consider like plant strain, environment, type of light, etc. i'll just stick with 24/0 for now and see what...
  5. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    ok, i just took a quik look at ur journal.....clones or not thats still pretty impressive growth for that amount of time. nice setup. could i switch to 18/6 now without stressin em too much or should I stick w/24 until its time for flower? they're 12 day old cfl soil babies
  6. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    phuk! is that 3 weeks from seed?
  7. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    thats kinda where I was headed with this. (leaning towards something more natural) you notice a significant difference in growth or overall health on 18/6?
  8. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    that hour off every few days sounds sensible. kinda like to simulate the slow transition into late summer, early autumn, huh?
  9. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    yeah, I heard that 24/7 gives continuous growth, but then I also heard that there's more growth during the dark hours? anybody got proof of one or the other?
  10. Purpy Longstockings

    18/6, 20/4, or 24/7?

    Who out there has experience with at least 2 out of the three of these veg cycles? What would you recommend and why? Thanks. :peace:
  11. Purpy Longstockings

    DWC Bubbler Grow (4 plants)

    JC, I've been lurkin around here for a I guess a week now and it's a trip that I came across your journal...after a lot of research I'm leanin towards a Mandala/bubbler combo already and I see THIS! beautiful setup and outcome. Great job, man! I think you just sealed the deal for me. Thanks for...