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  1. purplekush32

    So is curing that important

    does curing just make it taste better or actually make you get higher. what im wanting to know is.. is it that important cause i jus want to dry
  2. purplekush32

    anywhere near time to harvest??

    i wa wondering do you guys know if its any where time to harvest?
  3. purplekush32

    First CFL Grow
  4. purplekush32

    can the buds get you high at like 3 week flower

    can you get high off the buds at 3 weeks of flowering. no drying or curing just pick and smoke?
  5. purplekush32

    how long does the plant NEED to vegatate cause i want to grow mini plant

    i have only like 2 and a half months untill the growing season is up and i was wondering if i start now is it possible i can still get a yield
  6. purplekush32

    Will putting a plant in new dirt cause shock

    Reason im asking is this plant has been growing in the ground for some time now and we just discovered it. I was wanting to know if i put it in a 5 gallon bucket with all purpose soil will it cause shock. this would be hard precedure considering the plants right next to concreate
  7. purplekush32

    Skinny Steam on at leaast 2 month plant

    its been growing about 2 months with no help and its stalk is skinny and its looking like its not gonna wield to much if its a female. how can i get a thicker stalk
  8. purplekush32

    How Many Watts Do Yall Think I Need For One Plant?

    i just plan on growing one and i was wondering how much watts do yall think i will need for the whole process
  9. purplekush32

    Purple Kush

    Does Real purple kush actually have purple in it or can it be green
  10. purplekush32

    Need help please! Brownspots and drooping pics included

    im agreeing that it looks a little over watered