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  1. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    O.k.,we quit smoking the stuff we have as it does make us feel sleepy as heck and gives us sore throats as well as a sick feeling,hoping to make hash or oil out of it instead,its sad but it happened.I have a new question though,my latest plant is near ready for harvest but i have noticed the...
  2. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    Thanks for that info,this will be the route i try next as i have another crop ready in a few weeks just started to flush it yesterday.
  3. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    I have dried them like you have posted above in a dark room as cool as i can get it which is around 72 degrees with good air flow.I havent noticed any spiders or other critters in the grow room so I dont think this is the problem but then again it could be.I usually cut each stem and hang the...
  4. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    you tran for fibro pains she would love something like that she has tried everything and it drives her nuts,doctor says last resort is pain killers and she doesnt want that.
  5. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    my humidity in the grow has been about 45 to possibly 55 percent for a high remainging around the 40s to upper 40s at night (lights off).In the drying room i cant get it lower then 40 to 45 percent where i am at.
  6. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    i have done that,my wife has tried it several times and no complaints, I dont think a friend of mine would take more then one hit due to the taste of it but i have asked my wife and she seems o.k. althogh she has her mdeical problems like fybromyalgia and other things so she doesnt feel the...
  7. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    It does get me hi but i feel sleepy on both strians and weak,maybe its just the strain or me,today and yesterday are the first two days i havent smoked any of it and i feel pretty good,thats why i thought i would ask this question basically to see if it was just me or if it was this bud doing...
  8. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    Thank you,that was my biggest concern,i think i can live with the taste and smell i just didnt want to throw it out if i didnt have to.Thanks to everyone for their help on this.
  9. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    is this bud still safe to smoke?
  10. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    I was leaning towards nutrients as well as i didnt see any mold,they werent wet at all in the jars and they tasted funky like this from the start.Is it still safe to smoke like this or is it trash or should it be made into something else like hash?Next time i will use a different meduim/soil for...
  11. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    what causes bud rot,these plants were only in about 1.5 to 2 gallon containers but i did lst them and kept them small as you can see from the harvest.I didnt think it was mold because they tasted this way from the start right when they were cut as well as the really dry trimmings.
  12. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    the first grow i dont know for sure but it wasnt bag seed just forgot the name of it and it tastes the same and has now lost all smell to it.
  13. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    i was told purple kush.
  14. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    The trimmings that were left out to dry and have for weeks now even taste slightly the same,if i smell closely i can smell what i taste as well.Here are some of the pics i have on this,it wasnt a huge crop grown indoors under cfls.Poor air flow on some days but always had fans exiting the grow...
  15. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    But if it was mold why did the test bud taste like this when it was leftr out to air dry for a few days? Is there any other possibility of what this moldy taste could be,I dont see any mold on them. Is it safe to smoke it or should i trash it.
  16. 6

    marijuana tastesbad/moldy

    Hello,I have finished my wges first and second grow,the first was dried on a line for about 5 days then cured in glass sealed jars opening and airing them out as well as flipping the buds daily for about 1.5 to 2 weeks then left sealed and opened once and awhile to check them,they have a great...
  17. 6

    Confused,does this look like it is ready

    Thanks,I will hang for 1 week then cure in mason jars for up to 4 weeks after observing for moisture build up as I have don before.Thanks for the replies on this.
  18. 6

    Confused,does this look like it is ready

    I have actually flushed it the last two weeks or two weeks total today,the brown started before I even added any nutes to my soil so I wasnt sure if this is a fungus on this plant and now has traveled to my newer plant as I did a previous grow in the same type of soil and didnt have the...
  19. 6

    Confused,does this look like it is ready

    Hi,I recieved this plant 1 week into flower and have gone 8 total weeks now into flower,it is suppose to be a purple kush strain but not to sure that is correct.My questions are does this plant look like it is ready to be dried and cured?Also the browning on the leaves does this look like a nute...
  20. 6

    New to This and Growing (Second Post) Need Help!

    sorry about the pics,that is kind of what I am talking about as most of the buds have these small sacks at the bottom of them with the hairs coming off the tips of the sacks,the sex hairs that determine male or female have all turned brown or look like they have died off so I was just curios if...