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  1. T

    Micro Pc Grow!! Done Right!!!

    bring the lights closer its not opening yet because it not receving enouf light bring at least one closer and raise temp a little and when leaves reveal lower temp and ull be on ur way
  2. T

    temp problem

    ya and try to lower the temp of the room it self
  3. T

    Another question about Aerogarden

    if you want to use led's you need to group them very close together it creates whats called atomincnucliesidaimde it used low enegry light that doesnt stress the plant in terms means very potent bud now dont get excited your gana need around like 5000 of those little lights per plant
  4. T

    help guys...i dont know where i f*ked up.

    all u need to is raise ur calcium stitralaute you can do thay with egg shells soak them in water for 2 dAYS AND MIX THAT IN WITH NUTES SHOULD SOLVE THAT PROBLEM,