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  1. C

    looks damn good!

    looks damn good!
  2. C

    Welcome New Members!

    hello all im new outdoor grower. i have a plant that i over watered and is now starting to turn around thankfully, but theres still a lot of moisture in the bottom of portion of my pot. my question is, how can i get that excess moisture to dry up? I also have not watered it for 5 days or so.
  3. C

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    I am growing a green crack clone and can't figure out what is wrong with it. Everything I read is so conflicting. Some say its fine some say its mg defi some say temp change. Anyways it was a nice green plant and now its purpling stem and leaves and turning like a light green, but is growing ok...
  4. C

    Plant Turning Yellow Slowly Dying

    also have this problem and my leaves have a purple to them and stem. help....