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  1. G

    What Did Everyone Buy From The Attitude Today?

    2 seperate orders :) 1st for 5 deep purple 2nd for 5 querkle thankyou tga and double thankyous to attitude if they end up sending me the 10x freebies twice
  2. G

    Only 2 out of 5 Seeds Germinated. Who do I Contact - Attitude or the Breeder Nirvana?

    First time i ordered some seeds from herbies i had a couple of seeds arrived cracked.... but when i sent a polite email saying a few seeds were cracked,and is there anything they could do for me i was apologised to for not reciveing products in perfect condition and they would send out...
  3. G

    Stay Away From Everyone Does it!

    im sorry so many people here have had bad experiences with EDIT, i first used them years and years and years ago i think when they first lanched to get a bong or something and the service as i remember was pretty sharpish and thought to keep them in mind for future use and more recently while...
  4. G

    Femanized Auto flowering Sweet seed Fast Buds

    maybe not watering every day and a half , they look a little over watered.
  5. G

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Dutch passion: 3 frisian dew, 2 purple No.#1 Joint Doctor: 10 purple jems TGA subcool : 5 Querkle Samsara Automatic: 2 ultraviolet, 2 adrenaline 2/4 Big bud (free)