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  1. violetrose

    white powdery substance on leaves, flowering and veg

    I found a bunch of spots on my almost-done-flowering Blue Dream today. So bummed! I trimmed the leaves with the mold, which the guy at my hydroponics store recommended. I put a couple drops of neem oil into a spray bottle of water and gave the air a couple light spritzes to combat the spores (I...
  2. violetrose

    bad genetics?bad seed? start over?

    Is it any taller? It sounds like it didn't root very well...
  3. violetrose

    CA Marijuana Conventions

    Went to HempCon LA yesterday. Here's my swag: New pipe, smaller bong (I'm calling it my "desk bong"), cigarette one-hitter AND a SmokeBuddy! It was my first con but I'll def be back.
  4. violetrose

    First Grow- tell me what you think

    Put it in the flowering stage STAT, and definitely get her a bigger pot!!! Other than that, looks lush and green.
  5. violetrose

    Fucking Hunters

    Maybe grow bigger plants around it -- sunflowers or something.
  6. violetrose

    microscope question???

    I got a pocket microscope from Radioshack and it sucked. I ended up exchanging it for a three-lens pocket magnifying glass with 5x, 10x and 15x mag. You can unfold all three at once and look through them and see the trichomes really clearly. It was maybe $10.