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  1. W

    How to setup delay timer - help

    Hi, silly question, i read the manual. I thought i have set it up correctly so i already germinated my seeds (quess patiance isn´t my quality) and are now 4 days old and under cfl lights. I have set up the timer 12on/12off on 24h mode. It starts as it should, as it´s programmed but fails...
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    Will plant bud under 125w 6400 cfl?

    Hi, will my plant bud under 6400? I know its best to flower under 2700, but i only have this for now and cant really afford another 2700 which I plan to buy on my next grow or very soon. Here is what i found on some other forums: Q: Hey folks, Like a good newbie, I searched 20 pages to find...
  3. W

    Female seeds Northern lights - odor level and review wanted

    Hi, im deciding to grow this or big bang, but since some folks say nl is very low odor (some even say almost no odor, which i think is bs) im leaning towards nl. Anyone grew this one from female seeds? Whats the odor level. Can i grow one plant under 125 cfl with no carbon filter without...
  4. W

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Is my plant ready to harvest? She´s on day 63 and its a feminised auto lowryder 2, outside grow. Its my first grow, so I need a little help. Around 70% of pistils are brown. I dont have a magnifier to check trichomes. I think she is almost ready to harvest. What do you guys think? Ready, few...
  5. W

    Becoming hermie? And other little problems...

    Well i did my homework before i started growing. Its my test bunny so I can learn from it and decided to make it right next time. I know how female, male and hermies look like. But since this is my first plant and in early stages I need someone to confirm/deny what i am worrying. Its like u are...
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    Becoming hermie? And other little problems...

    Hi, my plant is 25 days old (lowryder 2 auto, fem.). Its my only plant and I fear she´s becoming a hermie. Its my first grow also. I grow her outside but the weather isn´t that good. I do sun her as much as I can. Is she becoming a hermie? Also. Will my plant still grow because she´s...
  7. W

    What is Wrong with My Baby Plant? She became Yellow. Please Help!

    That makes sence i guess. I cant find the soil, but there was a note that the soil has 5.5-6.5 ph i belive. Is that ok? Whats the ideal and tolerated ph for growing? Ill try to get some testers and dolomite.
  8. W

    What is Wrong with My Baby Plant? She became Yellow. Please Help!

    Its a universal soil. Soil, compost, peat and stuff like that. No perlite or something like that, just ordinary universal soil i bought in the store. Thanks for the link...i will check it out!
  9. W

    What is Wrong with My Baby Plant? She became Yellow. Please Help!

    Well, 5 hours avarage. Weather was bad first week, but its sunny this week and it looks it will stay this now, it gets7-10 hours of direct sunlight. I know watering with chloride is not good, but chloride gets out of water if you let it rest! So i doubt chloride is the problem? I will...
  10. W

    What is Wrong with My Baby Plant? She became Yellow. Please Help!

    Hi, this is my first marijuana plant i have ever grown. She´s 14 days old. I sun her as much as i can, she on average gets at least 5 hours of direct sun light. I haven´t used any fertilizers yet. I planted germinated seed in a universal soil which i bought in the store and it says it has...
  11. W

    Can I Grow 1 Plant with Bloom 125W CFL Only?

    Hi, i want to grow 1 plant and i wonder if it would grow from seed to harvest with bloom bulb? I know i should use vegetation and bloom bulb seperatly for each stages. But bloom bulb is all i have now. Should i buy veg bulb also or can i go with the "bloom" bulb?
  12. W

    Can I Get Caught Growing on a Closed Balcony by a Police Helicopter?

    Thanks for the replies. There is a chance but nothing to be (too) worried about, just as i thought/hoped. Grow cloth sounds interesting but..doesn´t that reduce the amount of sunlight they receive?
  13. W

    Can I Get Caught Growing on a Closed Balcony by a Police Helicopter?

    Hi , im new here and this is my first post, so im sorry if I posted in the wrong section. I´d like to know if police can spot my grow (lets say 3 lowryders) on a (closed) balcony on the 3rd floor. There are no houses around so no one can actually see my grow but it could be seen from the...