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  1. N

    LED Lighting for Growing Applications

    I have been using LED light now for 2 years and swear by them! I've only been using a 50watt UFO light which has 4 different wavelengths (1 White, 1 blue and 2 red wavelengths) but it has managed to produce the most vigerous growth with 5 small autoflowering plants under them. Don't knock them...
  2. N

    Small Yellow Holes in Leaves

    Neem was only applied after I found this damage. They are being grown organically.
  3. N

    Small Yellow Holes in Leaves

    I have these small yellow holes on quite a few leaves on one plant and one or two leaves on another plant. Does anyone know what this damage might has been caused by? There have been a few aphids on the plant (i know these haven't caused the problem) so i have been spraying with neem and...
  4. N

    2011 Outdoor Grow

    I live on the south coast of Cornwall (uk) so it's quite sunny and warm come spring and summer. They are all fems as I paid the extra for fem seeds. The soil is bullrush organic soil however I have mixed in my own compost which consisted mainly of red bush tea bags, apple cores, banana skin, a...
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    2011 Outdoor Grow

    The bracken not only hides them but also reduces the number of pests likely to feed on them as nothing likes bracken. They are being grown organically so i needed as many natural deterants as possible. I'm using garlic and neem sprays to encourage growth (garlic solution) and deter pests and...
  6. N

    2011 Outdoor Grow

    Started off under a UFO 50W LED light (4 LED colours, one blue, one white and two red wavelengths) for 3.5 weeks, then they went in a cold frame for 1 month and then moved outdoors. Second ever grow. All the plants are now 2.5 months old. Sugar Black rose X 2 Jock horror Raw...
  7. N

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    Starter mid march indoors under a UFO led light for 3 weeks, them moved into cold frame for 1.5 months and now standing tall (3ft) outside: 2 x Sugar black Rose 1 x Raw diesel 1 x grapefruit 1 x bubblegummer 1 x purple maroc 1 x jock horror ( supposed to be jock horror auto but think they sent...
  8. N

    Organic Pest Control?

    I have been using garlic which contains sulfur, which, besides being toxic to pests, is also an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Finely Chop or blend 3 whole bulbs of garlic and mix with 10 litres of water, put in a garden sprayer and spray every 4-7 days. There are some garlic products...
  9. N

    Hello all!

    I have been using garlic extract during watering to increase root stimulation as well as spraying with a dilute garlic solution on the leaves and stem. My only real concern is mold as the area they are grown in consists of bracken and bramble leading to very few crop pests, however if any do...
  10. N

    Hello all!

    Hi everyone, This is my second year of growing, I'm based in the uk and have been growing organically outdoors. Last year (my first year of ever trying) I managed to grow quite a few plants quite successfully and I'm still smoking the rewards. Wasn't sure what variety they were (was just...