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    400w HPS from Home Depot?

    Can I use a 250w hps light bulb on one of those plug-in-the-wall adaapters?
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    Hey I Got Pictures!

    What are yo yo hangers? Cuz I was planning on hooking the light onto sum chains and hooks so I could move the light up and down
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    Hey I Got Pictures!

    is a 250w hps light good for one plant in a 2x2x6height ?
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    If Anyone Wants Input or Advice on a Grow Room Design Let Me Know!

    That looks like a great design but I was planning on useing soil as the medium. Could u make a grow box using the same specs?
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    If Anyone Wants Input or Advice on a Grow Room Design Let Me Know!

    alredddddy man!!! And I already know how to build that panty hose filter so i ll just use that then. And thnx again for the build spec
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    If Anyone Wants Input or Advice on a Grow Room Design Let Me Know!

    I'm looking to build a grow box that is 3x2x4 in my closet. I have a hole underneith my closet floor so I planned on using that hole to vent the odor to. Iif u could give me a design that resembles that I would GLADLEY appreciate it thnx :)