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  1. Bob Lawblaw

    *PICS* Help with Kali Mist seedlings.. DWC + CO2

    Thanks for the advice on the light, I'll back it off instead of dimming for sure... The plant is getting 75% of the recommended dosage of all nutes, so that PPM value includes all the additives.
  2. Bob Lawblaw

    *PICS* Help with Kali Mist seedlings.. DWC + CO2

    Max, thanks for the reply. Is this pretty obvious to your eyes? It's in a small tent, 2'X2'X5.5', and there is a temp probe right beside one of the plans which rarely goes above 82. The light itself is in a cool tube, which I can touch with my hand perpetually. With the CO2, I would have thought...
  3. Bob Lawblaw

    *PICS* Help with Kali Mist seedlings.. DWC + CO2

    Got these two little ones under a 250w MH for now (will be on a 400w CMH as soon as it comes this week). They're in a DWC system, the reservoir is chilled, and CO2 is being added/controlled. The nute water is RO. Here are the details: Plants age: 3.5 weeks from germination Nutes: GH FloraDuo +...
  4. Bob Lawblaw

    Calling all preflower sexperts!!!

    Hey, just wanted to see what people's thoughts were on this preflower. I've been watching it for about 3 days now, and there is still no sign of a pistil. There's now about 4 other ones, no pistils either. I was under the impression that female preflowers were more of a pear shape - these...
  5. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Shalom asaph (and anyone else who's reading), It's been a while since an update - was in the midst of breaking up with my long-term gf, so I wasn't paying the babes as much attention as they should have been getting. They're still going strong though. The stronger of the two sprouts became...
  6. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Just a thought - I've never seen this said, because I think the advanced growers just understand this concept intuitively. For us newbs, it's important to understand the importance of optimizing the growing environment when you're germinating and raising small seedlings, because it has a strong...
  7. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    June 3 - Day 28 Res at 14gal (topped up from 13), 67F, 230PPM, pH 5.9. CO2 turned on as of today, tent at 86F, 48% RH. Lights are now two 24W T5s and the MH set to 175W, 15" from the tops. Hey fellow stoners! Gotta start this one by re-iterating my praise for rapid rooters. They have worked...
  8. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    May 31 - Day 25 Res at 230PPM (pH meter re calibrated) - 25% dosage of VoodooJuice, + 100% dose of Tarantula and Piranha added. pH 6.0. Tent at 75F, 59% RH Things are still looking pretty decent today. That yellow spot on Pépé's lower fan leaf hasn't grown or changed, so I'm not too worried...
  9. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Haha.. it really surprised me how chill things were in Tel Aviv. Airport security is tight at Ben Gurion, but other than that, it easily compares to any hip European city that I've been to. Great night life! And, the good herb has been smoked on that soil for millenia, so it's cool to know the...
  10. Bob Lawblaw

    2010 #1 - Indoor Coco-Perlite Hindu Kush & Hailley's Comet 400w

    It hit 30 here today - man, I'm glad for central air conditioning! How did your first harvest turn out compared to average street weed? A good buddy tells me you can often grow your weed better than most of the stuff grown for distribution. When I see all the time and attention people give their...
  11. Bob Lawblaw

    2010 #1 - Indoor Coco-Perlite Hindu Kush & Hailley's Comet 400w

    Mazal tov - those plants are looking good!! A girlfriend who encourages pot cultivation is most amazing indeed - haha. How has your heat situation been these days? I found this the other day - you might be interested. It's along the same lines as the DIY air conditioner I posted about in my...
  12. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Shalom Asaph.. I should have been able to figure that out on my own, haha. I spend quite a bit of time in Israel with work, and love it - very beautiful country! Always wondered what the sabra thought of weed. Never breached the subject with anyone there, as it's not the kind of thing I talk...
  13. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    May 30 - Day 24 Res at 238PPM, 5.8pH (dwn from 6.2), Tent at 76F 58% RH The last few days were a bit tough to say the least. The extent of my light leak situation became clear, and I knew there was a bit of work cut out for me in order to make the res truly light proof. Then, while moving...
  14. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Hey Asaph, have definitely heard that idea spoken before. It's hard for me to weigh in on GH because I am a first time grower. A lot of people speak pretty highly of them though, especially using FNB for the Lucas method. What I liked about FloraDuo was that it seemed to be the next step in the...
  15. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Check out this thread I came across... the idea is to zap your roots with a small electrical current generated by a cheap pv cell beside your plants. The peer reviewed stuff on this seems to indicate there's something to it, with off the chart yields: Boosting Growth: Electrical Stimulation w/...
  16. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    May 27 - Day 21 Res at 14.5gal, 230PPM, 5.7pH, 76F 56% RH Sorry for the lack of updates, this thing is still a work in progress. Just finished another res change. This time because of an algae problem. I didn't put enough hydroton in the baskets, so light is able to leak into the reservoir...
  17. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Good advice! What would you recommend for a root accelerator? I might even have something in the box of goodies I bought a few months back. When it comes to touching roots, I'm definitely in that school of thought too - if I had an exo-stomach, I wouldn't want anyone touching it either. :) This...
  18. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    Ok, so in the off chance that the two runts never regain their health, I'm popping two more Satori seeds. This time, using rapid rooters. The Mandala site advises against rapid rooters, but only goes as far as to say something along the lines of "growers have also reported problems with rapid...
  19. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    I'm presoaking rockwool. Might germ 2-3 more Satori plants, and see if they'll catch up to the big one. Will see how they all look tomorrow.
  20. Bob Lawblaw

    Dyslexics Untie! Satori|Stealth/Tent|DWC|250W HPS/MH & 180W Led|CO2@1500ppm

    May 22 - Day 16 Res lvl @ 14.5 gal/67F, Nutes @140ppm, with a mild helping of B-52 (30ml), and the rest of FloraNova Bloom + 1.5tsp 29% H202. 5.7pH, 77F/51% RH And now there are three. The tall straggly one didn't survive the nute burn. It was the first to have its tips turn a dark yellow and...